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Friday, October 27, 2017

Incumbent State’s Attorney Clarifies Future Intentions

SNOW HILL — Worcester County State’s Attorney Beau Oglesby this week announced he will seek re-election and has a plan in place should he be appointed by a Circuit Court judge.

Last week, Oglesby was nominated as one of five candidates to fill two Worcester County Circuit Court judicial vacancies along with Mary Margaret “Peggy” Kent, David Gaskell, Regan J.R. Smith and Jeff Cropper. The two judicial vacancies became available upon the retirement of longtime Worcester County Circuit Court judges Thomas C. Groton and Richard Bloxom.

Gov. Larry Hogan will ultimately appoint two new Worcester County Circuit Court judges from the list of five candidates. In the meantime, Oglesby’s inclusion on the short list raised some questions about the possible domino effect on the Worcester County State’s Attorney’s Office should he be appointed.

“I am honored to have been nominated along with four other highly qualified colleagues to fill two judicial vacancies that currently exist in the Circuit Court,” Oglesby said in a statement on Tuesday. “Ultimately, the governor will be tasked with making that difficult decision and there is no timetable for when that selection will be made. With your support, I am hopeful that I will be appointed.”



  1. Regan Smith -- by far the best for the judgeship.

  2. For what it's worth, it blows me away that so many YOUNG candidates are being considered for Judgeship positions. Being a Judge is about WISDOM and experience. Citizens go and elect people like Beau with the expectation they will spend their career as your States Attorney and the next thing you know they're being considered as a Judge.

    I'm sorry Folks but this is just wrong. We don't need GREEN Judges. Beau has what I'd call a Neapolitan Complex. At least Matt Maciarello is cool, calm and collective with nothing to prove.

    To prove my point, Beau is now in the running for TWO positions.

  3. Judge Matt Maciarello was a law clerk in Worcester not long ago and bumped to SA in Wicomico, now judge and still green. They pass district and go straight to circuit court today. Fast track career, you don't grab rank in a PD that quick.

  4. The "young" judges are the same age the retired ones were when they were first appointed Joe. I am thinking of Danny Long and Tom Groton. Plus Beau is not "green" has more experience than most.

  5. Napoleon Complex, sorry. Spell correct got me.

    1. I worked for a Admiral who had a Napoleon Complex. He yelled at me all the time when he didn't get his way. Sorry to say he went on to be a man of power. I was the closest to yell at. Nasty person.

  6. 5:31, The States Attorney tries less cases and is actually a department head who is the manager of multiple attorneys in their office. Because you are taken away from your legal duties you somewhat lose that every day experience in front of honorable Judge's. Add 10 or 20 more years experience trying cases and you are rewarded with incredible benefits once you become a Judge. Sorry but I simply disagree. Again, I'll repeat, these people ran for office and agreed to commit themselves not only to the voters but their staff as well. It is not a bouncing ball position/commitment. Perhaps in upcoming forums the question should be asked, if you are selected for a Judgeship position will you remain as States Attorney or take the position as Judge.


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