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Thursday, October 05, 2017

Hannity Beats Maddow in First Week at 9 P.M. Hour

In Sean Hannity's first week battling Rachel Maddow in the 9 p.m. time slot, Fox News' Hannity beat MSNBC's Maddow in both overall viewers and in the key 25-54 age demographic.

On Tuesday, MSNBC announced "The Rachel Maddow Show" had finished the preceding quarter as the top cable news program overall and in the 25-54 demographic, Politico reported.

Fox's decision to move Hannity up an hour from 10 p.m. is part of an effort to counter MSNBC's ratings surge since the election of President Donald Trump.

During the first week of the face off, the Fox News host averaged 3,498,000 viewers from Monday through Thursday, while Maddow averaged 2,649,000.

In the key segment, Hannity beat Maddow 713,000 viewers to 599,000.



  1. MadCow the man baby.

  2. Never watch MSNBC, Always Fox, Always!!

  3. The absolute most frightening thing in the world to me - more than iran, china, isis, and rocket man - is the fact we have enough people in this country that watch MADCOW to make her #1!! Now those are the real deplorables.

    1. My thoughts exactly I can't get my head around it

  4. I would have thought he would've crushed her more than that.

  5. What is conspicuously left out of this article is key demographics.

    Ratings matter, but the demographic of the rating also matters. The key demographic is 25-54, where viewers were 666,000 for Hanity, and 591,000 for Maddow.

    Hanity took the lead, but not by much. Compared to the ratings when he was up against Anderson Cooper this is not so great for him. He was crushing Cooper by more than double in Ratings and in the key demographic.

    In the big picture, Fox News is down 12%... and MSNBC is up 43%... details also curiously left out of this article.

  6. Who is this guy Maddow?

  7. There is nothing news about Rachel. How she still has a job is beyond me.


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