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Monday, October 30, 2017

Grade-Rigging Scandal Escalates: Baltimore Schools CEO Issue Memo In Response To Investigations

In recent times, we have covered a grade-rigging scandal in Baltimore, Maryland that is worth paying attention to. Baltimore City Schools could be on the verge of gaining national attention, as the prime example of America’s broken education system.

Project Baltimore, an investigative reporting initiative, by Sinclair Broadcast Group Inc, the largest U.S. broadcaster, has led the charge via lead investigator Chris Papst in uncovering evidence, which suggests Baltimore City school officials are running a grade manipulation scheme in the public school system.

In a report from August, Chris Papst’s team uncovered documents suggesting one school in Baltimore has the highest graduation rate in the area with zero students proficient in math. Throughout 2017, Project Baltimore has made the case with evidence—- grade manipulation is widespread.
Evolution of Project Baltimore’s evidence:

Back in May, Chris Papst’s team found “6 Baltimore schools, no students proficient in state tests”



  1. Check the parents' proficiency in English and math and it might give some insight.

  2. And these illiterate kids will have (if not already) several kids who will go to school, fail, get a diploma and live on welfare and get pregnant and have more kids to live off the hard working taxpayer and this cycle will only end when there is no more money.


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