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Thursday, October 26, 2017

George H.W. Bush Apologizes for 'Sexual Assaulting' Actress Heather Lind

George H.W. Bush has apologized to AMC’s Turn: Washington Spies actress Heather Lind after she accused the former president of “sexual assault” while posing together for a publicity photo.

According to Deadline, Lind made the bombshell accusation in a now-deleted Instagram post. The alleged “assault” occurred in 2014 during a photo-op for the now-canceled AMC show. The elder Bush, who was 89 at the time and wheelchair-bound, allegedly “touched” the actress and told a “dirty joke.”

“He didn’t shake my hand. He touched me from behind from his wheelchair with his wife Barbara Bush by his side,” Lind claims. “He told me a dirty joke. And then, all the while being photographed, touched me again. Barbara rolled her eyes as if to say ‘not again.'”

Lind says she told other cast members about the alleged assault and they “helped me that day and continue to support me.”



  1. Not defending Bush, but after he "touched her" she needed help and "support"?
    The real world must be tearing her life apart.
    Well, one more person gets their 15 minutes of fame.

  2. Assault? Give me a break she acts like she was raped,a dirty old man patted her on the ass and she should have just said don't do that and let it go. She probably jokes about it with her friends.

  3. Can you all say Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky? The Liberals are barking up the wrong tree.

  4. What's missing that makes the difference between a fondle and a grope?

    A smile!

  5. This story is pathetic. No, actually she is pathetic. She best stay in bed as she is so easily offended by life and the reality of what was probably the self depreciating albeit clumsy attempt of a classy old man to make conversation.
    If I live to his age, have but one complaint about my wheel chair bound behavior that my accompanying wife feels no need to apologize for ... I will feel good about my chances with St. Peter.
    Grow up children.

  6. He's sorry he's not 60 years younger. Then she'd have a real complaint.

  7. I'm 60 and this story just brought it all rushing back. That Little League coach that pulled me for a reliever in the 6th took the ball from me and patted me on me bum ... I just haven't had the support and understanding I've needed all these years.
    Anyone know a good lawyer?

  8. heck, how many guys have touched a woman's butt you didn't know? How many times did she smile? How many times did you get slapped? How many times did her big bro come threaten you? When did Americans become so wimpyfied?


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