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Saturday, October 14, 2017

Gay Couple Adopts 18-Month Daughter, Two Weeks Later Dad Kills Her: ‘F***ing Brat!’

Fitness instructor Matthew Scully-Hicks is accused of “assaulting and abusing” the toddler adopted by his partner Craig. New revelations coming from doctors and neighbors demonstrate Matthew’s cruelty.

In Wales, the baby girl was adopted in September of 2015 by the Craig and finalized over eight months, but two weeks later, Elsie was dead after doctors reported traumatic head injuries. The Cardiff Crown Court is now hearing that Matthew had been assaulting Elsie for at least seven months after he and his gay husband took the child.

When Elsie was brought into emergency, Dr. David Tuthill reported Matthew to the police because he was “very calm” after being told that the child was dying. “That’s very strange he’s so calm/// parents are usually in floods of tears and it’s my job to comfort them.” The doctor pressed that this behavior is “very unusual,” because telling a parent that their child is dying usually means crying.



  1. Simple solution, "strap" Matthew onto a lamp pole in town and allow citizens a free wack until death!

    Everyone wins!

  2. There is no such thing as a gay couple just an abomination . This idiot should be hung !

  3. The Communists who thought it was a good idea to allow 2 Sodomites to possess a little baby girl are the real criminals.
    The Sodomites are understandably crazy.
    The Communists who are altering our societal norms are criminally insane.

  4. Just put him in general population in prison and the "In house justice system" will see to it he receives proper punishment for his crime!


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