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Thursday, October 05, 2017

Fed-up Illinois homeowners consider moving: 'It’s not just the property taxes on my home; it’s all of them'

Even after watching Hurricane Irma wreak havoc on Florida, Rik Mallin is sticking to his plan.

Mallin is fixing up his Villa Park home so that he can sell it, move to the Florida Panhandle and escape Illinois’ rising taxes.

“I’m getting out,” said Mallin, 67. “It’s not just the property taxes on my home; it’s all of them.” He figures his taxes in Florida, where there is no personal income tax, will be about a quarter of what he’s paying now.

Mallin’s not the only one leaving the state. In 2016, Illinois lost 37,508 people, putting the state’s population at its lowest level in nearly a decade, according to U.S. census data. It was the third consecutive year the state lost more residents than any other state. The state’s population count for 2017 won’t be released until December.



  1. This is what happens when liberals are in charge. Over and over again and some will never understand and vote them in.

  2. Democrat logic: Tax the remaining citizens even more to make up for it.

    Okay. It's not "logic", exactly.
    The Russians also had something to do with it.
    And Trump.
    And some Neo-Nazi's.
    EVERYONE but democrats get some blame.
    MORE Democrat logic.
    Pretty soon, the only people left in Illinois will be welfare recipients and people collecting disability. Their best hope would be a Cat 5 Hurricane.

  3. Muslims moved in, taxpayers support them in all ways and the Muslims lay back, don't contribute to the tax base, have babies and the cycle continues. This action is like a tumor that only continues to grow until the host body is consumed.


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