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Sunday, October 15, 2017

Fall 1969: A Day in the Life of a 15-Year-Old


  1. Those days were soooo good, I was 12 in 1969, better yet I grew up on a farm, coming to Salisbury on a hot Saturday night was a real treat. What made it better, there was no crime as it is today.

  2. I was 11 in 1969. I had a purple Schwinn 3-speed Stingray banana-seat bike. God I loved the bike.

  3. Very little crime in Salisbury then. If there was a murder, people talked about it for years.

  4. I was 12 also that brings back memory's

  5. Loved those days!
    Oaks Drive-In was the place to be!

  6. My mother would take my two brothers and me grocery shopping and had a 20/week budget

  7. The only thing you had to worry about was turning 18 and being sent to Vietnam.

  8. The Oaks! Period, the place to be!

  9. One of the best years of my life..."Back in the summer of '69"...Brian Adams song. Remember watching men walk on the moon. Little league. Started Junior high.

  10. Wonderful memories...simple lifestyles, people talked face to face, moon mission...and Burger Chef! Great pic of the cars too, thanks Joe!!!

  11. That was the year we got a second car, a new '69 VW bug.

  12. That video nails it. Burger Chef was a copy cat of McDonalds and Burger King. We didn't eat out much, even fast food, and never went to Burger Chef. Guess not enough people did or it would still be around! I remember when comics went from 12 cents to 15, but I didn't usually buy them, I snuck into my brothers room and read his. Same with Mad magazine which was edgy for the time and my mom frowned on it. We didn't get color TV til 1971 but like a lot of families, my grandmother had it before everyone else and it was a big deal to watch Wizard of Oz on her set. It was only broadcast once a year then. I could go on and on ...

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Those days were soooo good, I was 12 in 1969, better yet I grew up on a farm, coming to Salisbury on a hot Saturday night was a real treat. What made it better, there was no crime as it is today.

    October 14, 2017 at 7:06 AM

    Yes indeed. A treat back in those days was to "go to town". Do your grocery shopping, hang out at the mall (where you knew most of the people there), and no trip was complete without a hot dog and orange julius.

    Crime? That was almost non-existent. It certainly was "the land of pleasant living" back then.

    But we all know what killed that, don't we?

  14. Not so great for everyone. If you were of draft age, it was always breathing down your neck. Many of us were forced to serve in a unpopular war that our politicians had decided not to win, and young guys were coming back to an ungrateful Nation many scared in ways they will never revover from and many never get back at all.

  15. and some insist on focusing on the negative.....

  16. Burger Chef in Salisbury was where Dunkin Donuts is across from Mr Tire on south salisbury blvd. You could leave there full on a dollar or less.

  17. @ 1:47 Way to be a downer on everyone's positive memories... What's next on your agenda today slap a kid in a wheel chair ?

  18. 5:15 Fair and balanced....Not everyone has positive memories of 1969. I lost my brother in Vietnam in 1969 and i was 16.

  19. 5:15 thanks for the idiotic comment, some people never want to face reality. These were not great times for many thousands of Americans. This article is a child's view of life, innocent and immature.

  20. 5:15 Snowflake. Can sure tell you never had a loved one serve in a War. Your thinking is part of the problem in society today; it's all about YOU!

  21. Really great times -- Nixon, Agnew, Vietnam to name a few things.

  22. I remember Burger Chef in Salisbury when they used to advertise 5 hamburgers for $1.00. The place was always packed. For the readers who don't know where they were located - it was located where the current Dunkin Donuts is on Rt. 13 South, right next to Taco Bell.

    Back then - Burger Chef also occupied the land before it was subdivided and made room for Oil Spot.

  23. Kudos to you all for having such fond memories.God had other plans for me.

  24. Everybody has different memories from any given point in time. I think this post was made to remember the good memories of a time gone by, not dwell on depressing issues no matter how unfortunate.

    A lot of people were affected by the unpleasantness of certain things but they have learned to move on and still enjoy life. You don't have to forget but there are appropriate times and places for everything.


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