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Saturday, October 21, 2017

Exclusive: Trump Looking to Release JFK Assassination Files

CIA documents may thoroughly debunk claim Oswald acted alone

President Trump is expected to declassify CIA documents relating to the JFK assassination which may finally debunk the official story that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.

The president spoke to Infowars correspondent Roger Stone on Thursday about releasing more JFK files to the public to the dismay of the CIA.

“He was all ears,” Stone said. “The president believes in transparency… he believes in the public’s right to know.”

“I am optimistic that the president is going to do the right thing.”

The JFK Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 mandated that the assassination records would be released in late 2017 unless “the president certifies that continued postponement is made necessary by an identifiable harm… of such gravity that it outweighs the public interest in disclosure.”

There’s no indication that President Trump will block the release.

“Now, a very good White House source – not the president – told me that CIA Director Mike Pompeo has been lobbying the president to furiously not to release these documents.”



  1. If it wasn't Oswald, then a lot of folks (government included) participated in a yuuuuge cover-up!

  2. Wow. It's time Americans learn the truth. Especially before that part of history is destroyed like our statues.

  3. Never gonna happen. Someone is going to take trump aside and tell him not to do it, and he will obey. He is the bluffer in chief

  4. I TOLD you the CIA killed him.

    They are willing to set themselves on fire to prevent their lies from seeing the public light.
    They lied to Congress, the Warren Commission, 60 Minutes, and everyone else. They killed several hundred people with knowledge of the crime. Suicides. Plane crashes. Murder on a lonely country road. Car accidents. Heart attacks.
    They destroyed evidence and manipulated investigations.
    The CIA. Absolutely freaking out.

    WHY would they do all that?
    To PROTECT national security? You mean there are techniques, methods and sources that are over 50+ years old and are still relevant??? Really??
    More like "protect themselves from prison".
    They killed JFK and sooner or later, it will come out. Maybe in a few weeks...
    Keep cheering.

  5. If the gov't is behind it, Trump will extend the timeframe so all involved are DEAD the next time this comes up.

    If the gov't isn't behind it - then he will release.

    C'mon folks, you really think ANY President would release documentation that implicates the Fed Govt? Civil War would erupt.

    Its in the past, over, move on nothing to see here anymore!

  6. Oswald was the fall guy, the patsy. It was supposed to have killed earlier but it got screwed up that's why Jack Ruby had to do it the way he did it.

    The mob supplied the rifleS twice. They got lost or stolen the first time, I forget exactly.

    The C.I.A. and the mob were still in bed with each other at the time, same as the Bay of Pigs fiasco, which JFK did not send the promised air support, causing the invaders to be defeated.

    His brother, RFK, was no longer atty general so he had a harder time going after the mob like he was during his brother's presidency, but he still wouldn't stop. So he had to go too.

    And I'm sure LBJ had his fingers in the soup as well.

    And let's not forget the changes JFK was planning politically. That infamous speech he gave before his death didn't help matters.

    It will be interesting, to say the least when these documents become public. Quite a few people are going to be shocked, surprised, angry, in disbelief.

    But they will have a chance for their eyes to be opened and be enlightened if they allow themselves.

  7. October 21, 2017 at 6:10 PM

    Well, I guess you were wrong


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