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Sunday, October 22, 2017

Email Leak: Martin O’Malley Tells John Podesta He’s Broke, Looking For Job

Former Maryland Democratic Gov. Martin O’Malley told top Clinton adviser John Podesta he was broke and looking for a job earlier this year, according to an email released on WikiLeaks Monday.

Podesta reached out to the former 2016 presidential hopeful shortly after he announced he was dropping out the primary, and attempted to secure his endorsement for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

“Want to know how you are doing and interested to get your observations and advice. We would, of course, love to get your support,” Podesta wrote.

While O’Malley did not immediately agree to throw his support behind the candidate, waiting until June to formally endorse the former secretary of state, he did offer up information on his less than optimal financial situation.



  1. FFFFFFF Him !! Good he is Broke !!!


  2. "What's my endorsement worth to you, John?"

  3. Socialism is great until you run out of other people's money.

  4. I hope the SOB stays broke.

  5. See if the NFL is hiring.

  6. Go get one of the job's the state has to offer and go to work son. Oh, that's right your taxation, etc. ran them off to parts unknown.

  7. At 10:15 Absolutely correct! He had an OPM addiction: Other Peoples Money

  8. He put enough watermen out of work on the Eastern Shore! I like to see him playing guitar with a tin cup on the side of the road in Balt city

  9. he don't need ajob cause he's entitled. will end up with some wall street firm is my guess!

  10. Owe-Malley being broke maybe different than the common blue collar worker being broke. Either way he broke the state he ran. He can't handle his own finances to not be broke but wants to run the whole country. Let's see, 1+1 equals the whole country and all of us will be beyond broke if Owe- Malley ever gets to run the country.

  11. City is looking for more deputy administrators

  12. Psssst! Martin! You can't afford to live in Maryland. Move to somewhere where you can afford the taxes.

  13. Omalley needs to be broke he broke our state with his policies he did not support the Correctional Officers in this state, he wanted less officers and more social workers can you imagine the break outs that would have happened. He is dumber than dumb he actually thought he had a chance of being our president when he so poorly represented this state. We can thank him for no death penalty and the fact we no longer have a law to keep convicted child offenders away from schools, churches and institutions where our children are. He can take his deplorable self away with Hillary.

  14. Maybe he can get a job at Beretta, never mind they moved to Tn.

  15. Isn't his wife still a judge in Baltimore? If so she makes over 150k a year. I guess you will have to trim your budget since you can't use other people's money. How about you sell that furniture you stole from the tax payers.

  16. So, who's surprised?

  17. This should be no surprise if he runs his personal life like he ran Maryland. He tried to bankrupt Maryland. Good to know that instead, he bankrupted himself.

  18. I was going to mention selling the furniture but you beat me to it 7:20 LOL!

  19. Father in law and wife had enough of his cheating, hopefully they will cut him off..he had a girlfriend with him at the crab Derby a few years ago..he's a filthy scumbag!!!


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