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Friday, October 27, 2017

DOJ Settles with Tea Party Groups on Lois Lerner IRS Scandal

Four hundred sixty nine different plaintiffs in two class-action lawsuits over Obama-era IRS harassment settled with the Department of Justice Thursday, bringing to a close a dark chapter in the IRS’s history.

In 2010 and 2011, the IRS under Lois Lerner, particularly out of the Cincinnati field office, launched what many contended were politically motivated investigations and audits of “Tea Party” and other conservative groups. While no criminal prosecutions ever resulted, hundreds of victims assembled in class-action lawsuits against the federal government.

Attorney General Sessions appears to have largely acknowledged the plaintiffs’ claims.

In a DOJ press release on the settlement, he said:


  1. So how much does Lois have to pay?

  2. and why is she not being prosecuted

  3. Lerner gets a pass. DOJ officials collectively smirk. Obama gives a big grin. The People are once again the losers in the end.

  4. She will vanish, just like the many others during the Clinton reign!

  5. Lerner gets a nice fat retirement check. She should be sued personally and every penny she has should go to pay her victims

  6. No one punished for this crime and you wonder why there is always corruption in Government. Why not commit crimes as a federal worker? No punishment and a fantastic retirement package and benefits.

  7. Since Lois Lerner was not prosecuted and the evidence was clearly against her, others now feel they can do the same without fear of prosecution. And Lois Lerner does sit back with her $139.000.00 Federal pension plus paid medical benefits. They are like a filthy plague that multiplies and hard working American citizens are the victims.
    American is turning into a third world country.

  8. Just following orders. We've heard that before. Nuremberg comes to mind.

  9. And that my friends is the reason that President Trump was voted into office. We, the PEOPLE are sick to death of the lying, cheating, stealing, anything goes politicians and other various officials, such as the IRS, who make the rules for the rest of us and prosecute us vigorously if we do not follow them. And yet, we have Lois and Hillary and Obama and Weiner, who should have been in jail years ago-this is what the third case he has been caught in, and they do whatever they want and they flaunt it in our faces and nothing happens to them. And then look at the opioid epidemic which was brought on by Big Pharma as they shipped millions of pills to a little town in West Virginia that had like 262 people living there. Look at the vast sums of money paid to politicians to keep us paying more for drugs than any other country in the world. This is a crime against us. AND THEY DON'T CARE! I'll like to see a whole bunch of them in the prison system.


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