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Friday, October 27, 2017

Doctor admits he took kickbacks to prescribe fentanyl spray

A Rhode Island doctor pleaded guilty on Wednesday to accepting kickbacks in return for prescribing a highly addictive fentanyl spray.

Jerrold Rosenberg pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court in Providence to one count each of health care fraud and kickbacks conspiracy.

The case is one of several criminal cases brought around the country against people associated with Insys Therapeutics and the prescribing of Subsys, which is meant only for cancer patients with severe pain.

The doctor admitted on Wednesday that he prescribed Subsys to people who didn’t have cancer. He then falsified their records so that insurance companies, including Medicare, would pay for it.

Rosenberg also admitted he conspired with Insys executives and others to receive $188,000 in kickbacks for writing the prescriptions through a sham “speakers program.”



  1. And shall it officially begin. Where there is (1), there are many many more to come! GREED eventually gets everyone!

  2. I can barely get tramdal for failed back surgery and permanent nerve damage. Lol. Wth am I saying wrong?

  3. Find the movie Vaxxed on Vimeo if you want to see corruption.


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