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Saturday, October 07, 2017

DISASTER! CA Gov. Jerry Brown Signs Bill, California Is A Sanctuary State- It’s All Over

The left coast state of California is bonkers. And we have proof!

California Democratic Governor Jerry Brown has now confirmed that they are a “sanctuary state” after signing Bill 54. That means they’re so happy to flaunt federal law that they’re risking going bankrupt.

Last November after winning the election, Trump announced a plan to pull federal funding for sanctuary cities. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said that losing their funding would end in bankruptcy. Imagine a child telling you that you’d better keep the allowance coming, but they can’t afford the lifestyle you disapprove of without your cash handouts. In 2015, California was getting $93.6 billion from the federal government. And they’ll keep getting those massive handouts if they just follow the law of the land and stop supporting illegal aliens. The findings of the Inspector General empowers Jeff Sessions to cut funding to cities including New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and Washington, D.C. if they do not comply with federal law.

Since this is such a fresh signing, we still don’t know how the Trump administration plans to react, but I’m sure they’ve been waiting with a response in the wings. We’ve still got a few hours left before the Press Secretary signs out for the day.



  1. Cut their funding to zero!

  2. I don't think that the President is any too happy.

  3. Sorry..i meant secede.

  4. Ok, I am good with this. Fund them for only legal residents and then have all the illegals in the country go to CA. Problem solved.

  5. It's only a sanctuary state where poor and middle class reside.

  6. He is surrounded by illegals and they have taken over the state.

  7. The "wall" should be built on the eastern boundary of California .........give California to Mexico!!!!!!!!


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