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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Developing: The Manhattan truck attack that killed at least 8 was terrorism, the mayor said. The motorist yelled "God is great" in Arabic, officials said.

Two law enforcement officials said the driver of the truck, a 29-year-old man who came to the United States in 2010, was in grave condition. One official said he had rented the truck in New Jersey.

The motorist, driving south down the path in a Home Depot rental truck, hit numerous people as nearby Stuyvesant High School was letting out for the day, officials said. At least 15 people were injured, but officials were still working to assess the extent of the casualties.

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  1. The guy is from Tampa. Maybe he is the serial killer from there.

  2. Hey y'all, watching the news just now,6:01PM. video claims to be live, but its dark??? Really, next video shows downtown NYC and its daylight. Who's trying to fool who?
    Waiting to see how many others pick up on this.

  3. Pretty soon, the word will get out that the prosecutors won't be able to get a conviction for preemptively taking some of these phuk'rs out. We already know where their training camps are right here in the states...turn the citizens loose and we'll solve this ourselves!

  4. God is great. Too bad that it's not in the way that Mohammed the warlord told you.

  5. More blood on Obama’s hands since he let ISIS explode under his watch!!!

  6. What will the liberals jump and and down and demand to ban this time?

  7. 7:05 I'm thinking Home Depot trucks!

  8. The man SAID IT IN ARABIC! Why whitewash it?

  9. Blame the judges that blocked Trump's travel ban. They have blood on their hands again. Pathetic.

  10. The New York Times please!! did you read some of the comments on that article those idiots in new york are so confused in their hatred for trump They wonder why their sanctuary city is targeted.

  11. He is a member of that peaceful religion from the middle east. You know the one Obama is a member of.

  12. Thank you Obama for all the immigration from the middle east, Africa and Haiti. Delmarva and America thanks you...piece of donkey turd.

  13. trucks don't kill people,people kill people..........prime example of why crying to ban guns everytime one is used is worthless,,,,i haven't heard anyone yet say anything about banning trucks....
    Big Mike


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