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Monday, October 30, 2017

Dallas cops were warned Lee Harvey Oswald would be killed

The murder of Lee Harvey Oswald could have been prevented after the FBI were warned of his impending death - but Dallas police failed to protect him, it has emerged.

Nearly 3,000 documents related to JFK's shooting have been declassified by The White House, among them remarks made by then-FBI boss J Edgar Hoover the day Oswald died.

According to Hoover, the FBI were contacted by a man who said a 'committee' was plotting to kill Oswald, who had been arrested for killing the president; the feds then told police in Dallas to protect the presidential assassin.

Instead, Oswald was walked out in front of a crowd, cameras - and local nightclub owner Jack Ruby, who marched out and shot him dead.



  1. Oswald's physical transfer was a mockery of any decent standard of correct prisoner security.

  2. There was also a phone call the London reporter I believe about the assassination a half hour before it occurred

  3. He couldn't have been any more exposed if they had tied him to a post.

  4. Well, this WAS 1963. They didn't have all the neat toys cops today have in their arsenal. Ruby was a "friend" of the cops and managed to get himself in the basement. He was also "friends" of the mafia so there's that. The reporters down there temporarily blinded the cop/agent that was shackled to Harvey when they turned on the lights to their cameras.

    After Harvey was shot the agent leaned down to him and asked him if he had anything to say, presumably to see if he wanted to confess before he died. Harvey shook his head side to side indicating no.

    J. Edgar was furious Harvey got killed. He didn't think DPD did enough to protect Harvey. Even if they could/had, it wouldn't matter. If anyone is willing to give up their life/freedom, they can't be stopped.

    1. Have you read the documents just released? Or are you quoting from your seventh grade history book?

  5. Mafia don't tolerate LOOSE ENDS !!!

  6. He was Marked Dead (OSWALD) before he pulled the trigger !

  7. Cuba & Russia wanted Kennedy dead along with Mafia , so it did
    not look good for him or his brother obviously.

    Makes no difference who Shot you , you are just as Dead !!

    Move on to something else America ....Plenty else to do !!


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