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Friday, October 27, 2017



  1. Who is this yo yo that claims he can't speak until he forgets and raises his voice. Doesn't appear stable from this side of the screen.

  2. Best of luck to him.

  3. If you think that what he is speaking of does not live in this world than you are fools. AND he has a right to be frightened because powerful men are in control of the ring. If you attempt to talk about them they will get nasty on you and your family. This goes on in Salisbury and I can tell you with certainty that young boys are less safe than young girls when it comes to these animals. I know of a doctor who protected a man in Salisbury for years and nothing was ever done to him. He has reason to be frightened and if what has happened to him ever happens to you or your children you wouldn't appear stable either.

  4. You went on your rant 12:09, but what the heck are you talking about. Frightened of what powerful men, doctor protected a dude for what, afraid to speak out? There is NO crime in Salisbury, if you don't believe so ask the good mayor.

  5. He thinks this is on everyone's mind. Not mine. I rarely think of Hollywood at all. They live in a fictitious land and they love to get up and scream their political thoughts, especially about President Trump. I can't even watch an awards program anymore because all you hear from every winner is their personal thoughts on whatever topic THEY think is relevant. Their thoughts, in their multi-million dollar world, rarely compare to mine where I try to scrape by enough to eat every week. If the guy had something to say he should have said it years ago and barring that he should just say it now or send it into a paper in editorial form. Why crowdfund to raise a million dollars to make a movie about it. I wouldn't give him a dollar to find out his story. I'm sure there are plenty of perverts in Hollywood and I'm sure a great many actor/actress have been abused and I'm sure a great many have willingly sold their sold to achieve the multi-million dollar live. Doesn't apply to me. Sorry!


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