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Friday, October 27, 2017

CNN Provides Four Minutes of Coverage on Clinton Uranium Deal Since Scandal Broke

In the week since The Hill published new information about Hillary Clinton’s Russian Uranium scandal, CNN has provided under four minutes of coverage about the case.

According to NewsBusters, the network has provided three minutes 54 seconds worth of coverage on the scandal, which involves allegations, originally uncovered by Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer, that Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration transferred 20 percent of all U.S. uranium to Russia via the sale of the Uranium One company, just as nine foreign investors in the deal funneled $145 million to the Clinton Foundation.

CNN’s coverage included two mentions of the incident, the first being after President Donald Trump criticized the media for failing to cover the story, with anchor Wolf Blitzer then offering a 19-second explanation of what Trump was referring to.

The second piece of coverage involved Blitzer interviewing the former Obama administration official, Jake Sullivan, explaining that the story has “no basis in fact.”


1 comment:

  1. They are blaming FOX News for putting out this story. Not treating it as a major breach of national security, money laundering. not reporting their connections with the money donated to the Clinton Foundation etc. Clintons were funneling all transactions through their Canadian Foundation which does not require reporting. Clintons are trying to be another George Soros going around US laws. How many more organizations are they hiding outside the US used / attempt to influence US politics and policies. Proves they are another major part of ANTIFA / anarchy.


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