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Thursday, October 05, 2017

Breaking: DirecTV Delivers Devastating News to NFL

If you really want to get someone’s attention, hit them where they feel it: Their wallet.

That’s exactly what many football fans are doing to the NFL in the wake of the growing disrespect by playersduring the national anthem.

In an unprecedented turn of events, one of the biggest premium TV providers in the nation has just made a stunning announcement: They’re providing full refunds to customers who cancel their NFL Sunday Ticket packages because of the protests.

The ESPN network — hardly a bastion of conservatism — confirmed on Tuesday evening that DirecTV is altering its own policy which normally prevents package cancellations after a sports season has started, and will return the full amount of money for any viewer who wants to cancel their NFL bundle.

Those viewership packages allow die-hard sports fans to watch games that are outside their local viewing area, and run about $280 per season.

DirecTV’s surprising move came after President Donald Trump spoke out about professional players who kneel or make other disrespectful gestures during the national anthem.



  1. We are one of the many that cancelled.

    1. 7:44 Us too! Not only cancelled the football package but cancelled Directv subscription too.

  2. Cancel .. canecel and cancel again!

  3. Great marketing scheme imo. Purely a licensing fee AT&T isn't seeing a dime off anyway. Only hurts the NFL

  4. If you really want to get someone’s attention, hit them where they feel it: Their wallet.

    That's what I've been saying all along about lawsuits. People around here just don't get it.

  5. Contact the games advertisers and let them know that you will buy their products as long as they support the NFL. Use liberals tactics.

  6. Keep up the good work people.

  7. I understand Budweiser is pulling out also

  8. Thank you direct tv. And thanks to all that cancel.

  9. 9:28, Why cancel Directv? They are the ones standing up for our Flag and Country! They are playing the good guy here to retain and attract customers!

    I'm sticking with Directv and just not watching NFL or buying PapaJohns or Bud, unless they pull out of NFL as well.

  10. We may see many more endorsements and sponsors pull out of the NFL by the time this is over. It's about time the NFL realized they are entertainment that people use their disposal income to fund. It's about entertaining not politics. The players causing all this ruckus will end up losing in the end because as sponsors disappear, so does the big paychecks and signing bonuses. Don't bite the hand that feeds should be an adage they remember, but somehow they've forgotten or didn't know in the first place.

  11. Many of these players show the entitlement mentality and need to know just like the rest of us that work a job. We are getting paid to perform a job duty and to just shut up and do your job. Nobody is guaranteed their jobs when they go outside of the rules and contracts and do not do the job that they are being paid to do. Most of us do not and cannot be political on our jobs, the NFL is no different. Most do not pay all that money for tickets to see a political rant. They get tickets to go and enjoy a game and to escape the real world for a couple of hours. Check your political rants at the door when you get there to go to work, or suffer the consequences. The NFL has a right to support it, but the viewers have a right not to support it and pull their interest and funding.


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