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Friday, October 13, 2017

Boy Scouts Announce That They’ll Start Accepting Girls, Allow Them To Earn Eagle Scout Rank

It’s official… the Boy Scouts no longer exist. Now, girls can join the Boy Scouts as Cub Scouts and achieve the rank of Eagle Scout. And vice versa… boys can join the Girl Scouts. What’s the point in having either one anymore? I sure wouldn’t let me kids join something like that. It was a dumb and suicidal move by the Boy Scouts. I always loved the group, but now I’m done with them.

“We believe it is critical to evolve how our programs meet the needs of families interested in positive and lifelong experiences for their children,” said Michael Surbaugh, chief executive of the Boy Scouts. You’ve evolved alright… right out of parental selection. This is what happens when Marxists and other leftists infiltrate these groups. They destroy them. The scouting board of directors voted unanimously to make the historic change in an organization that has been for boys since its founding more than 100 years ago.



  1. NOW, Lets make it so Boys can Join the Girl Scouts !!!!

    Politically Correct , we Must have EQUALITY !!!

  2. America is being DESTROYED from Within ....NK loves it !!

  3. Makes perfect sense to do this. I see no problems arising from this. haha

  4. These are kids ...what does the Liberals want ??
    ie to Turn boys into girls OR Turn girls into boys ???

    Or maybe this was done because of Transgenders ?? Prob so

    Nothing Wrong with the way it WAS....if it ain't Broke,
    Don't fix it !!!

  5. Correct me if I'm wrong, but having "Eagle Scout" as something to include on applications and resumes and college admissions is supposed to help, it's a status thing right?

    Where as the girl scouts have nothing equal to that.. it seems right to allow them access to this "ranking" as it were.

    It's not 1950's anymore. The days where men do one thing and women do another are over. This move is just scouting finally catching up with the times.

    May be, it's a good move to just have "Scouting".

  6. Making sissies out of boys , tom boys out of girls !!!

    Wonderful !! Will anyone grow up to be Normal ???

    1. To DESTROY American culture ask George Soros.

  7. When is the name change and what will it be?

  8. Soros Destroying America.

  9. Will the "girl" scouts wear burkas to cover up the adam's apple?

  10. My Children, This is the day for which I have foretold. Did you listen.? No. Do you Hear me Now? Liberals Want to make Men irrelavent [No, Sweets!]

  11. Wait until the first one comes up pregnant!

  12. Fine if they decide to do this, but what will happen is some church organizations, will start their own scout troups outside of the Boy scouts of america. I know of one church that has something called the young pioneers. Just like the Boy Scouts, but with a Christian based format. They still go camping and do similar activities, but they don't adhere to the liberal rules of Gay inclusion, or forcing them to change the rules or forcing them to do things against traditional religious belief and values. The young Pioneers also has it's separate chapter for girls as well. What is going to happen and is happening is a lot of functions and clubs will end up going under ground. Marriages as well.

  13. The redneck bible thumping way of life is fading out of existence and not soon enough.

    1. WRONG
      If you think we the people are going to just give America Away without a civil war your Wrong and then we will see who is Non Existant......Commie.

  14. Move to IRAN you dirtbag.

  15. Soros Soros Soros.

  16. 6:12 Y'all sure have done a great job of managing your community. Crime through the roof, property values are low, dysfunctional police and fire depts., and no real jobs. LOL. Circling the drain..... Keep worrying about the Boy scouts letting girls join. SMH.


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