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Friday, October 06, 2017

Black Americans Should Welcome, Not Fear, Trump's America

The Washington Post recently published yet another propaganda screed masquerading as journalism, this time lamenting the fear supposedly plaguing the black community in the era of Donald Trump. Showing impressive intellectual contortionism, the Post manages to drive this narrative while remaining largely free of fact and substance.

After pointing out that Trump received only 8% of the black vote in the 2016 election, the Post notes that the majority of blacks are worried about losing their civil rights under Trump. They reportedly fear his campaign to “Make America Great Again” will “negatively impact the black community’s access to quality public schools, job opportunities that pay a livable wage and affordable health care, child care and housing,” and will “have a negative impact on the ability to keep black children from mass incarceration and over-policing.”

These are the same asinine claims Democrats have made (unfortunately, successfully) for decades about Republicans, which is both infuriating and baffling. The party most responsible for black suffering — the Democrats — is embraced as savior by their victims. The Democrat Party fought a war in part to protect slavery, opposed civil rights, enacted Jim Crow laws, and oppressed blacks at every turn, then successfully peddled the lie that white racists fled to the Republican Party in the 1960s.

Today, despite claiming to be the protector of blacks, the Democrat Party funds the slaughter of black children, giving more than $500 million in taxpayer funds each year to Planned Parenthood, an organization founded with the goal of exterminating blacks through abortion and sterilization, while trapping those who live in crime-ridden neighborhoods and failing schools — urban poverty plantations, if you will.

More here


  1. Forget them if they aren't swift enough to relate to being a productive citizen.

    1. Do not group all blacks together. Example of a black man you would want to help anyone needing surgery on the brain. Thank you so much Doctor Ben Carson.

  2. I see the comments here from Trump supporters every day. If they are representative of "Trump's America", then YES black folks should be afraid.

    1. Lol. Cite one specific example.


  3. Conservatives in control is the best hope for progress for black folks (if you define 'progress' as a good life with good opportunities, vs a permanent welfare dependency).

    Bear in mind that democrats have been running the plantation for decades, and the black folks have remained enslaved. It was the democrats who tried to prevent the Civil Rights Act of 1964 from passing.. they had too much to lose.


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