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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Betsy DeVos Delays Student Loan ‘Borrower Defense’ Rule Until At Least 2019

Despite the pleas — and legal actions — of lawmakers, consumer advocates, and students, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos quietly announced Friday that the Department of Education will further delay, by nearly two years, rules intended to prevent students at unscrupulous schools from being left with nothing but debt if their college collapses. 


  1. Shameful. Absolutely shameful. This woman bought her place and is the very swamp that is supposed to being drained.

  2. Over are the days where you can work a summer job and pay for your schooling. Greed is destroying this country at every level.

  3. 8:16 liberal clown.

    Ever heard buyer beware?

    If the inly place that accepts you is Soujourn Douglas there is a good chance you didnt belong in college in the first place. That doesnt mean you dont have to pay up when they collapse because their degrees were worthless to begin with.

    Instead you want yhe US Education Dept to simply forgive the debt? No! Thats tax money. Yours and mind. Continuing to be feed to people that didnt work for it. Didnt deserve it and can meet the requirements to utilize the oppertunity.

    Giant waste of my money.

    Trump is doing a great job. The only people that dont seem to like him are the leeches, swindlers and allegedly educated college eliteist.

  4. 8:40 so basically the most educated members of society don't like him. That is what you just said. Haha

  5. Whitefish, the company who won the contract to rebuild Puerto Rico energy system has TWO employees on the day the hurricane hit. How did they get the contract? They are from Trumps secretary of the interiors hometown. Now the lives of American citizens are put on hold and in the hands of a miniscule energy company just so the rich could make their buddies rich. See a theme here? Not like this post will be allowed anyway

  6. 8:40 if you're going to argue against education you may want to use spellcheck otherwise you're proving our point for us :)

  7. 8:40 You need to go back to school.


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