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Monday, October 09, 2017

Bergdahl Expected to Plead Guilty, Avoid Trial

Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who was held captive by the Taliban for half a decade after abandoning his Afghanistan post, is expected to plead guilty to desertion and misbehavior before the enemy, two individuals with knowledge of the case said.

Bergdahl's decision to plead guilty rather than face trial marks another twist in an eight-year drama that caused the nation to wrestle with difficult questions of loyalty, negotiating with hostage takers and America's commitment not to leave its troops behind. President Donald Trump has called Bergdahl a "no-good traitor" who "should have been executed."

The decision by the 31-year-old Idaho native leaves open whether he will return to captivity for years — this time in a U.S. prison — or receive a lesser sentence that reflects the time the Taliban held him under brutal conditions.

More here


  1. I agree with Pres. Trump. When you are in a war against an enemy and you walk away, it is called treason. Should be mandatory death sentence
    If you walk into the enemies camp voluntarily, it's also called stupid.


  2. He should be jailed for a looong time. When his sentence is completely served he can tell us which period of captivity was most stressful.

  3. Death by firing squad


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