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Sunday, October 22, 2017



  1. Excellent idea to highlight those whom actually deserve the recognition.

  2. Been saying that for years! I think America is tired of the self-grandiosity of the Hollywood and music industry. Let's start celebrating the real American heros.

  3. We don't do it for recognition Joe.

  4. Not only give out the awards, but show brief videos highlighting their acts of putting others before self. Hollywood wouldn't do it, though. So, who would?

  5. I'll tell you why.

    Capitalism and the free market.

    You think you can have an awards show like that, that will get ratings and sell advertising? Go ahead and do it.

    Right now, awards shows for entertainment do just that, and that is why we have them.

    It's not some conspiracy, or dastardly evil plot. It's the free market at work.

  6. I love PBS's Memorial Day broadcast. More like that would be great!

  7. Great idea! Sick of the Hollywood superiority. Weinstein has proven what they really are. So many knew what he was and protected him. And they want to complain about Trump? Talk about hypocrites!

  8. They're government workers with perks and benefits that none of us get in the private sector. What makes THEM special? Like the overpaid celebrities, they are just doing their jobs.

  9. "They knew what they were getting into when they took the job"

  10. without a doubt we have a couple of ding dongs commenting here on this topic. it would be a GREAT Idea to THANK all those that continue to put their lives on the line EVERYDAY for we the people. YES, 9:10 they knew it when they took the job, so that makes them even MORE special. I'm SURE you would NEVER do this.

  11. Now that is an award show that I would watch. How inspiring and motivating!

  12. Some one is a "ding dong" for not agreeing with your opinion? My, aren't you special. Special awards for doing your job is just as asinine whether you're a celebrity, or a government worker. Next thing you know, everyone is getting an award for doing their jobs. Both are being paid for what they do, and agree to do, as part of their jobs. Special awards for that is unnecessary. Only a ding dong would think that everyone should get awards for doing their jobs.

    1. They do on in Federal Government. Awards for just barely doing thier jobs. They decide each year how to spread the wealth within the office.

  13. I like the idea, but you will find that just about all these people would shun the attention. They don't do the work they do for fame and fortune, though the money would be welcome for most of them. They do it because it is what they see is their duty to society, to help, protect and serve those in times of need. The soldier does not fight for fame, he fights for what he believes in, the American Constitution and the rightness of it verses the insanity that wants it destroyed. So yes, a great idea, but a bad one as well.

  14. 10:22 I can tell your about as useful as a football bat go back across the bridge

  15. 10:22 I can tell your about as useful as a football bat go back across the bridge

    October 18, 2017 at 11:21 AM:

    I can tell you that you don't know the difference between your, and you're. And I have lived here all my life. That's how much you know. You're about as useful as a screen door on a submarine.

  16. They did that for young men and women of science and it was great to see. These young men and women were all top in their studies and practices in science and it looked like the red carpet and oscars. Too bad more young people are not honored. As my father use to say....ignore ignorance. We award the wrong people.


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