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Saturday, October 14, 2017

Aussie Feminists Lose Their Lunch Over Sandwiches

It's long been well-known that if you want to absolutely infuriate a feminist, tell her to go make you a sandwich. For some reason, making a sandwich for a man is seen as the ultimate act of domestic servility.

Apparently, asking for suggestions for new sandwiches to make for your husband will do the same.

An Australian mom named "Maddie" was getting bored making the same thing day in, day out. So, like most of us, she turned to Facebook to ask for help. In her case, she turned to a group called "Northshore Mums" and its more than 26,000 members.

It did not go well.



  1. It appears many men made the wrong choice with these witches.

  2. My wife makes an excellent sandwich and I appreciate her for that and all she does for me. I let her know, too.

  3. It's good to know that there are still women who do, and even take pride in it, as they should.

  4. A bunch of women who can't WAIT to find SOME reason to show the world their pained emotional state because a woman MADE A SANDWICH. For her husband.
    Can you imagine being married to any selfish, self-centered woman who thinks it's insulting and demeaning to do that?
    Really? A very simple act of love and caring has been turned into an evil act of enslavement and servitude. How sad their lives must be, keeping score and being so easily offended. Probably always looking for signs of racism in their friends, too. REAL fun people.
    It's not a business arrangement.
    Unless your name is "Clinton".


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