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Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Assange Warns About Vegas Shooting: ‘Almost All Terror Plots are Created by the FBI’

Julian Assange noted that the FBI's business model is to stage terror plots so they can swoop in and save the day by foiling the plot they created.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange weighed in on last Sunday night’s deadly mass shooting in Las Vegas, and he pointed out that the FBI has a sordid history of targeting mentally ill and emotionally unstable individuals.

“Almost all ‘terror’ plots are created by the FBI as part of its business model,” Assange wrote.
CASUAL REMINDER that the FBI preys on lonely vulnerable people + convinces them to create terror plots, then takes credit for stopping them.
Almost all "terror" plots are created by the FBI as part of its business model.

What is the business of the FBI? Extracting tax. What does it need to do that? A stable threat. Prob? Real terrorists are sporadic & make FBI look weak. Solution? Make them.http://uk.businessinsider.com/fbi-is-manufacturing-terrorism-cases-2016-6?r=US&IR=T  pic.twitter.com/qMrkbFKMJe

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Arguably one of the world’s most respected journalists, whom members of the federal government want to label a spy, Assange linked his comments to a Business Insider story written by Caroline Simone titled, “The FBI is ‘manufacturing terrorism cases’ on a greater scale than ever before.” Simone wrote an echo piece from the New York Times which indicated that 67% of terrorism criminal cases also involved evidence provided by undercover FBI agents.



  1. Just for the record Facebook is down-seems everywhere worldwide outage.

  2. 11:41 they are trying to scrub this off the internet or at least Facebook... And this story is true... The FBI uses people with deranged views and/or beliefs and pleasures them or entices them to act upon those feelings and beliefs or whatever... Then they can come swoop in and save the day... That is what they were tying to do in Vegas, I believe it was a weapons traffic operation, like fast and furious, and well we all know how that went right... Which is why nothing different happened with the Vegas shooting, they just let it happen to take our rights... Notice the first thing they go after are guns, and submit legislation not even hours after it happened, which means the legislation was ready and waiting for the shooting to happen... It takes months to right laws and legislation...

    Remember, the politicians said never let a good tragedy go to waste and at the same time, they said out of ciaos will be order...

  3. Yep Facebook's dead.

  4. I hate this POS but I DO believe him.

  5. News is saying both FB and IG. IG still working for me.

  6. He is right look at the so called MSM are keeping this story low key WHY because he was a Muslim Convert.

  7. No, Created by the Clinton Foundation !!!


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