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Sunday, October 08, 2017

Antifa Plans “Civil War” to Overthrow the Government

Antifa is reportedly planning a new round of nationwide riots on November 4 as part of a plot to start a “civil war” that will lead to the overthrow of the Trump administration.

Far-left militants plan to “gather in the streets and public squares of cities and towns across this country” in the hope of building momentum for civil unrest that leads to nothing less than domestic regime change.

“Our protest must grow day after day and night after night—thousands becoming hundreds of thousands, and then millions—determined to act to put a stop to the grave danger that the Trump/Pence Regime poses to the world by demanding that this whole regime be removed from power,” states a call to action on the RefuseFascism website.

A longer screed posted on the Revolutionary Communist website makes it clear that Antifa is not prepared to wait for electoral change from Democrats, and will engage in a “ferocious struggle,” based on plans outlined in a book written by Bob Avakian, the Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, which is called The Coming Civil War.

More here


  1. Good luck with that. We're here.

  2. We're ready. c'mon! Waiting for you and relishing the outcome! Our town is thinking of having a folk festival. Why not come on over for a demonstration? We'll be happy to be in fear for our lives when you arrive! LOL!

  3. I an sooooooo ready! Let's GO!

  4. Heard they are going to visit a civil war reenactment and use real guns to shoot some of the confederates.

  5. These spoiled little turds don't know how to wipe their own @$$ without Mommy. Let them start trouble. They may be big and bad on day one, but by week three they will be weak, disorganized and starving.

  6. I know a few people who like to say what's on their mind (and having the freedom to do so) that might issues with that.

  7. will Las Vegas prove to be the opening salvo?

  8. How are they going to be able to decide what ammo to use when they can't decide what bathroom to use??

  9. Time to take out the trash

  10. The "shadow government" of Obama, Soros, Bloomberg, Clintons, Warren, Sanders, Schumer, Pelosi, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Elijah Cummings, Black Caucus and the Democrats are coming in full force. When they start they should be treated as treasonous traitors of the State and shot as enemies of the State that has declared war against the US.

    1. Especially the person organizing the regime. Understand stand he lives around the corner from the White House and has offices across the USA. I do hope FBI or someone with power is looking into this.

  11. Bring it you morons. I am beginning to look forward to the day. Lets dance.

  12. This should be ILLEGAL and stopped before it starts!!!

  13. Come to the shore actually I hope they do my "tools" are cleaned and ready to go

  14. Dream on commies. Ain't gonna happen. Republic forever!

  15. Yea, good luck with that. Which one of you wants to be first?

  16. I thank God every day for Trump....if Hillary had won, that would have been the proverbial nail in the coffin after what Obama had done to destroy our country. I don't think America could have recovered if she had won.

  17. This Ain't 1863 !! Gov't too big to Overthrow now !!!!

  18. You are going to have to fight more than just the government. We will be here waiting for you. Behind trees, behind bushes, around the corner, in a passing vehicle, etc. Some of us you will never see. We will even be disguised as one of you. We will infiltrate your ranks. Bring it on, you little panty waist scum.


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