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Sunday, October 15, 2017


Anheuser-Busch, along with other Sponsors are considering pulling their support of the NFL for protesting our national anthem......But, Anheuser-Busch, wants some recorded feedback from you, whether you support them, or think its an idea of little value...........If you don't support the idea...simply decline this email and delete it.

So, Please, don't be shy...pick up the phone and call them at (800) 342-5283 then choose #1. You will hear a woman giving you choices for your call...Choose option # 1, then you'll hear a tone, then speak your message and voice your support to boycott the NFL. Pass it on.

I just made the (800) number call and provided my vigorous support for their idea....you must audibly record your response. I simply gave my name and state and said I'm 100% supportive of their idea...After you record your message, you can play it back as many times as you want, until your satisfied with it.

Anheuser-Busch, has 1100 former military in their employee groups and they are is serious about this.


  1. I hope they do....pull the money away and that starts to change those attitudes!!!

  2. That's awesome! I'm calling right now!

  3. I called left voice mail hope they get it. It was simple and I was truthful, I will not drink Budweiser products until the company drops support.

  4. They wont, they just want to see how many people are bithching

  5. Awesome.
    But isn't Budweiser made in Europe now ?

    1. Really so all the breweries in the U.S. are idle?

  6. I just can't anymore. No one, is protesting the anthem. Not a single person in the NFL is protesting the Anthem. It was never about that, and it still isn't.

    If you're gonna get all bent out of shape, at least have the facts straight.

  7. 9;26 if it wasnt about the anthem then why kneel during it? They are using it as a prop and they can pick another time and place but choose it during the Anthem. So therefore its is about the Anthem. So maybe you need to get your facts straight?

  8. 9:29 then why even bother to comment? Then don't!

  9. I don't believe you will pull your advertising, but you don't need me to call a phone number either. Prove me wrong almighty Anheuser-Busch (no longer AMERICAN owned).

    ...wants people to call a friggin phone number. SHEESH!

  10. Stopped drinking their products when sold to overseas owners. Don't care who they are sponsors of.


  11. They're trying to decide whether to grow a pair or not and talk to the NFL. Mediocre products owned by offshore owner.


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