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Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Anal Cancer: The New Gay Epidemic the Media Won't Talk About

The Los Angeles Times calls anal cancer "the next big crisis" for the gay community.According to the American Cancer Society, the future looks grim.

The American Cancer Society estimates there will be 8,200 new anal cancer cases in 2017. In the absence of national screening recommendations, more than 50 percent of these individuals will be diagnosed at stage III or IV, when five-year survival is less than 40 percent. This creates a major public health concern.

The study shows that anal cancer comes from the sexually transmitted virus HPV. What it doesn't mention is why the gay community is so susceptible to contracting HPV. Perhaps the answer is too politically incorrect for the L.A. Times.NBC reported on a similar study that was done in Hawaii involving women who contracted anal HPV. They danced around the cause in an almost laughable way.

It’s not clear exactly how the women contracted anal HPV. Those who developed infections were more likely to be young and white, with lower levels of education and income and a history of multiple sexual partners, the study showed. Women who engaged in anal sex were also at higher risk, though transmission could have occurred in other, non-sexual, ways...The findings are important because anal HPV infection is strongly linked with anal cancer...

Really? Non-sexual ways? What ways are those? The article does not elaborate but goes out of its way to deny the very findings discovered!



  1. Looking for love in all the wrong places.

  2. Germs Galor , what does one expect ??
    Dirtiest place one could go !!!

  3. Need to stay outta there not what it was designed for.

  4. And were supposed to care?
    I really think a certain local public official deserves this, his lifestyle is against Gods laws!

  5. I'm not even sure what this article is about? People have STD's... and they are transmitted by having sex? That's not news.

    36% of Straight woman have engaged in this kind of sex activity. U.S. population is 308 million, women are 50.8% of the population... do that math and that's 56.3 million women.

    About 5% of the American population is gay male... that would be 15.4 million.

    56.3 million vs 15.4 million.

    This seems like more of a women's health issue... now doesn't it? Trying to wrap this info up as a way to slander gay men is sort of... dishonest.

  6. Either way its disgusting 1:09


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