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Thursday, October 05, 2017

American Optimism about the Economy Hits all-time High

The four-quarter average for every economic metric in the poll is at a record 10-year high.

But just 38 percent of the public approves of Trump's job as president, up 1 point from June, while 52 percent disapproves, also up 1 point.

Overall, the Republican and Democratic pollsters described the president's rating as "sticky" and unlikely to move much no matter how sensational the story.

The public's views on the economy continue to cruise at lofty levels but the optimism does not appear to be lifting the president's approval rating.

The third-quarter CNBC All-America Economic Survey found 43 percent of the public believes the economy is excellent or good, a record high in the 10-year history of the survey. Thirty-six percent believes the economy will get better, down a couple of points from last quarter, but just 23 percent say it will get worse, down 6 points.

The four-quarter average for every major economic metric in the poll --- the outlook for the economy, housing, wages and the stock market --- is at a record 10-year high. Those four quarters cover the time span since President Donald Trump's election.

However, just 38 percent of the public approves of Trump's job as president, up a point from June, while 52 percent disapproves, also up a point.


1 comment:

  1. Probably the same poll that said Trump would lose the election. Everyone I talk to thinks Trump is doing a good job and approve of him.


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