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Sunday, October 08, 2017

America! It’s A DOWNWARD Spiral For NFL- ‘Monday Night Football’ Ratings Crash!

Americans love few things more than kicking back after a Monday, a cold beer in one hand, and the football game on television. It sets the tone for the rest of the week, and a lot of people have come to think of it as a regular part of their routine, like brushing your teeth in the morning or sipping that 3 o’clock coffee.

Unfortunately for the NFL, routines can easily be broken in the impetus for doing so in strong enough. Turns out that an awful lot of Americans seem to think that kneeling disrespectfully during the national anthem is a darn good reason to turn the channel.

Who knew?



  1. Great!!!!! We will Show them WHO runs this Country !!!!

  2. Hard to imagine them kneeling after the biggest mass shooting in USA history..

  3. Hey snowflakes. Don't you get it? You are offended by everything and now is our turn to be offended. Don't like it...do you? Get used to it.

  4. There are a few things we love more than football...our country and our flag!
    Sadly, the narrative around the protest is a false one to start with, fanned by those seeking to sow discontent, not those armed with facts. Seems like many NFL players are uninformed and looking for reasons to be angry and disrespectful of the fans and the nation that have provided great opportunity.

  5. Don't Need Football or any other sport ..too busy with Real
    Life and things that Matter !!!! No $$ to Waist on that

  6. Budweiser better start working on a pretty STRONG ad - Pretty sure their numbers are low due to football.

  7. 10:04 so wouldn't that make you a snowflake? Seems counter intuitive.

    9:17 hell yeah! Who the hell has time for proper punctuation or spelling?!

    1. Wow! The little professor strikes again.

    2. 930 who is 1004?! I don't see a 1004! Are you melting?

  8. Keep your eyes and ears open for our politicians to bail the NFL out.

  9. Need more WHITE players and a Dress code !!!

  10. Are all these players so gullible that they can be so easily led by a Muslim??? Or are they all Muslims??

  11. There has never been a good reason to pay any person that plays a professional sport the unbelievable amount of money that they receive.
    I would rather see more of that money given to our military personnel.

  12. Solution for the TV idiots is to NOT show the NFL players protest. It wasn't a year or so ago that we never EVER saw the national anthem during the regular season. Why? PRIME commercial opportunities. We saw the national anthem during playoffs (maybe) and the Super Bowl.

    TV idiots thought they would show the kneeling and it would be grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat for ratings. How stupid do they feel now...but they continue to show it and haven't a clue why. They haven't a clue why, nor do the player truly know why.

    Sad when stupid runs rampant - but I control the clicker!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Mike Rowe said it best. Until the average American citizen chooses to not give these athletes or celebrities their time or money then things will change. Unfortunately the average American is dunb as a rock. So we are pretty much screwed!

  14. cause its a dumb game

  15. As a former huge fan of football. It's this easy. The players, coaches and owners did all of this with no regard for their fans, their country or their morals. It's a bunch of overpaid guys that don't like us the fans. If they didn't take us for granted they wouldn't have put a wedge between us and them. Your kneeling or sitting during the national anthem of the country you live in. How can any good American keep supporting them? Answer is they can't! Don't fall for the fake apology or the misdirection of why they are doing this. Changing the narrative only works on idiots.

  16. Hardley a White player .....Not Fair .....Racism Ignored !!

  17. Make all Players Clean Up and cut their Damn Hair !!!
    They look like a bunch of Demons from Hell !!!

  18. I have nothing in common with the overpaid, seriously violent, males who play football. I am too busy paying the rent and keeping my children straight and doing well in school. Other than mixing it up on the field...what else do these men have in common with the average guy.....NOTHING. Too busy with life to watch football.

  19. You guys are complaining about their pay but I thought you were all for capitalism? You do realize they get paid like this because of the even higher revenue the make for the owner right?


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