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Thursday, October 05, 2017

Alan Dershowitz: “I’m going to sue Berkeley if they don’t allow me to speak”

On Thursday morning, Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz told Fox News that he would sue the University of California, Berkeley if they restrict his First Amendment right to free speech.

“I’m going to sue Berkeley if they don’t allow me to speak,” Dershowitz said.

Dershowitz told Fox News that he had been invited to speak at UC Berkeley, but the university administrators told him due to his “high profile” status he would have to wait at least eight weeks. The loophole, Dershowitz said, is that if a department of the university rather than an on-campus organization invites a “high-profile” speaker, the guest gets to bypass the eight-week delay.

“Departments invite anti-Israel speakers all the time so they don’t have to go through the eight-week thing, but they don’t invite pro-Israel speakers,” Dershowitz told Fox News.


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