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Sunday, October 08, 2017

Alabama Results: Should Incumbents Be Worried?

By Thornton Crowe

Last week's political tsunami between Roy Moore and Luther Strange in Alabama proves to be a surprising upset for Establishment Republicans as political tides remain ever-changing. Once again, the proposed outsider came up and wrenched victory from a candidate who believed he was assured victory due to his incumbency. Should this be a cautionary tale for politicians throughout the US?

To quickly recap: On Strange's side, he had the endorsement of President Trump along with other high-ranking politicians in the Republican Establishment - namely Mitch McConnell along with $30M in mad money to throw around. Conversely, on Moore's side had a meager $3M compared to his contender along with pundits like Steve Bannon and Sebastian Gorka working in unison to promote him as a person who will forward Trump's agenda. One would assume with Trump's pitch, Strange was guaranteed a win but the People shockingly proved endorsements were not enough!

No one can really blame the President for the Strange endorsement because anyone who knows the inner workings of DC can tell you, a deal was struck for McConnell's future cooperation if he endorsed Mitch's insider. However, be that as it may, many Moore operatives worked for Trump during his campaign held an understanding that Strange, like McCain and other Hill RINOs, would try to thwart the President's (and the People's) agenda. In spite of his endorsement, this was a mercy victory for Trump in more ways than not - yet, the Mainstream Media will try to say the opposite in the hopes voters will be easily fooled.

This is not the only race around the country where incumbents are fighting for their political lives. Jeff Flake in Arizona holds a dismal showing as he nips at outsider, Dr. Kelli Ward's heels. In the Tennessee, long-time Senator Senator Bob Corker announced his retirement in response to the MAGA's Alabama efforts. Hence, it would seem, many incumbents on all levels of government are now in some widespread panic with good reason.

The MAGA grassroots organization, spearheaded by staunch Trump supporters, is moving swiftly throughout all fifty states with the sole purpose to out all politicians who have failed in delivering their promises to voters as well as run counter to the People's agenda. The movement is proving successful because voters are more engaged, paying attention not just to what political yammer but what these politicians actually produce.

For local leaders, this new trend should be very worrisome because now more than ever, voters are seeking outsiders rather than settling for past complacency. Therefore, no incumbent position is a safe bet like in past decades - skating through with obligatory actions and empty promises aren't going to cut the mustard any longer.


  1. President Trump needs all the outsiders as he can get to help with his agenda. That is why he was elected to drain the swamp. These career Republicans better be ware because they proved with healthcare they did not put out a Bill that would repeal Obamacare. They did not live up to their promise. They are in for a quick retirement and should not be eligible for the Hundreds of thousands retirement benefits since they did not fulfill their responsibilities to the people but to their own pocketbook by millions of dollars.

  2. As much as Washington believes it can have a major influence on everything politics are local and what's going on in communities at the time of elections determines who wins.

  3. If the American voters have any intelligence at all, incumbents should look for new jobs.

  4. Demanding term limits would be a step towards getting career politicians out before major damage is done by their hand. Our governments would work if politicians quit screwing around with it all the time. This goes for BOTH sides not just one.

  5. 1052 local government is just as much in danger of being held to the new standards as state and federal officials. This glorified public subsidy has to stop. If you don't do your job, you're out.

  6. We're living in a generational diversity change and its at the onset. This "show" over the next 2 terms will be very interesting. We either further evolve or go back to knuckle dragging!

  7. Look out for nest-feathering outside pretenders, too! New York State learned a hard lesson after electing Hillary as their senator twice.

  8. I agree 11:25 they use federal fund as leverage against cities.

  9. All libs. Out ! Now. You see, this is the product of the ineffective 1994 dial up . 56k! Inserts chip. Clinton = libs. Mindless.

  10. Most have been in office too long and don't care what happens. Just have to figure which ones have been working for the citizens and replace those that haven't.

  11. Oh yes they should be on notice! The people are tired of empty promises and politicians using the office to enrich themselves and not their constituency!

  12. Would it be a good idea if a number of the local leaders would retire like Bob Corker? I guess we can only hope.

  13. I was in the park Friday morning. They had a crew removing a section of chain link fence. I am sure the money could have been better spent, doesn't the zoo need money for the Wallabys and Owls???

    But I guarantee you this was all Jakey's idea and you will see a lot more of this wasted taxpayer $$ in an effort to make the place look more desirable for the Folk Festival.

    Speaking of the zoo and festivals. Last week you published a photo of the disgraceful unfinished Wallaby habitat. Wonder if that will be resolved BEFORE the festival or put on further hold to use the money on removing more chain link fences? Who wants to wager bets that somehow that it is fenced in with a privacy fence to hide it, and the Wallaby's will spend another year in prison.

    1. Without knowing in what area and the reason for removal I cannot agree that it is a waste of tax payers money. I dare say you cannot either, as if you knew the reason the fence was being removed you would have told us.

      How can you say it was Jake's idea? You said "a crew". I would think "the crew" would be directed by Mr Piland, Do you actually know for a fact Day told Piland. Do you even know who the Zoo Director is?

      My problem is folks such as yourself getting on here and readily assuming the worse on Culver or Day while riding by. Instead of brainlessly spouting off gibberish, hows about gathering facts to back up your guessing game. Then present your concerns. Rumors make for hatred. There is too much hate in this world because of assumption.

  14. We all should be worried. This buffoon may win in Alabama, but next year may other Republicans are going to lose, either in the primary or general election. With Sen. Corker and others retiring, it looks like the Dems. could and probably will regain control of both houses. And that's even if Republicans manage to get some meaningful tax reform done before the election, which now seems questionable. Once the Dems. are in charge, Shumer and crowd will turn on Trump like he is a rabid dog -- impeachment.

  15. Trump supports a candidate with 10 times as much money as his opponent and loses. Enough said. A ride on Trump's coattails is a ride into an abyss.

  16. Anonymous said...
    Demanding term limits would be a step towards getting career politicians out before major damage is done by their hand. Our governments would work if politicians quit screwing around with it all the time. This goes for BOTH sides not just one.

    October 1, 2017 at 11:10 AM

    Here we go again with the stupid term limits tired mantra. Another clueless moron.

    1. 933 sounds like you're one of the freeloading politicians living off the backs of taxpayers with nothing to offer. Who's the real moron?!

  17. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    1052 local government is just as much in danger of being held to the new standards as state and federal officials. This glorified public subsidy has to stop. If you don't do your job, you're out.

    October 1, 2017 at 11:25 AM

    It's always been that way. DUH!!

    1. Really 934? Explain why Jim Ireton was reelected when he did a crappy job in his first term. Explain Barrie Tilghman's reelections. DUH yourself, moron.


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