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Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Air Force Academy Leader: Racists 'Need to Get Out' After Slurs Left on Black Cadets' Rooms

The head of the Air Force Academy told racists in the ranks to "get out" after racial slurs were found written on the message boards on the doors of the dorm rooms of five African-American cadet candidates this week.

One of the cadet candidates's mothers posted a photo on Facebook of the write-on, wipe-off board on which her son found the message "go home n---er."

“These young people are supposed to bond and protect each other and the country," the mother wrote, according to Air Force Times. "Who would my son have to watch out for? The enemy or the enemy?”

“The word has zero power in my house,” the young man's father told the paper. “Zero power. The word is not going to yield a reaction. My initial advice to him was, respond with intelligence, do not react, do not get upset. You don‘t have to defend intelligence, you don’t have to defend common sense, you don’t have to defend confidence. He’s fine.”



  1. The father couldn't have said any better advise in my opinion. The advise he gave was a powerful message.

  2. Unacceptable, regardless of who did the writing.

  3. As in every case in the last 30 years it was done by the so called victim to create more hate so another shooter will be inspired.

  4. Wow 750pm, remind me NOT to have what you're drinking!

    1. He's not wrong at least 90% we're found to be the victim or their friends to create division and play the victim card.

  5. Whoever wrote this should be given an immediate dishonorable discharge. Doesn't matter if it's a racist, the "victim", or another black.

  6. I too think the good son did it for a upcoming law suit.


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