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Sunday, October 15, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Zoo Owls

Here is the cage the owls are now housed in, since August 12.

We have Wallaby's in cages with no habitat.
Dead Prairie Dogs
Owls in dog kennels with no habitat.

Now it is all documented with dates and photos.
Tom Stevenson got any answers?


  1. Terrible!
    I don't zoo, neither should you.
    Shut this sh1t down!!

  2. Hope the new bear can swim.

  3. Looks like ECI not a zoo.

  4. The owls were missing in July so they have been caged longer than Aug.

    But I was also wondering what crap they are going to pull to hide all this come festival time. If you go to the zoo one of the first things you see is the dilapidated partially built half dug up wallaby habitat.

    Are they going to build a big fence around it to try and hide it when the festival comes?

  5. The beaver exhibit and the jaguar habitats are both empty along with a couple others. Why can't the wallabies camp out in one of those areas instead of the prison they are in right now. The Red Wolf is not a happy camper in his habitat; it pains me to see his mental state.

    Shut that place down and let the animals go somewhere safe and happy. It's ridiculous there.

  6. always felt bad watching the bear that would just stand there rubbing his head for hours on the stump in his enclosure! this sh!thole should be closed down! terrible!

  7. Contact PETA. Y'all shorebillies hate them, but they can shut that place down.

  8. This is not on the people that work there. Most are volunteers. They do the best with what they have. I tried to get a job there, and was told just that, they have few paid employees needed to upkeep the zoo. They depend on volunteers from high schools, SSU, and donations to help keep the zoo going as a free entity. Jake day and the city council need to provide alot more funding to keep the zoo in better condition. Or, start charging to get in. If any of you go there on a nice day, from march to October, there are hundreds and hundreds of visitors. Parking is not anywhere near enough. I've had to park past the old pony league and walk up many times, this year especially. This like most else is all on Jake Day and the city council. Not the zoo.

  9. And.............they have a bear coming!

  10. Will someone, anyone, please close this place down, please.

  11. Name it after Gillis...something will get done

  12. Ok so lets look at the cause of the decline instead of just complaining.. or yelling shut it down.. when I moved here 8 years ago the zoo was wonderful..is it a lack of funding? Management change? Just odd circumstances ie:storms? Lets figure out the issue and then try to correct it... the zoo is an amazing addition to this area and was a beautiful place at one time!

  13. 10:37 AM its an animal prison and not a good one. Enough with the rainbows and butterflies. I suggest you do some research on the long list of animals that have died there. Then come back and talk to us.

  14. 8:42 AM Hundreds and hundreds of visitors? A day? Really? Does anyone in this town work or are they all hanging out at the zoo?

    It's not the zoos fault? Not the zoo managers fault? Why not? To allow this to happen is not his fault? Why?

  15. They should at least give the owls a TV while they're in stir.

  16. Wallabies can't be put in the jaguar display. The smell of cat urine never goes away.

  17. I feel bad for those owls. Owls like to be up high where they can see things. Unless this one is injured and can't fly at all I think this is cruel. At least put a perch up higher off the ground for them. A large cage so they can fly around would also be nice.

  18. I only take my kid there to threaten to leave him there if he does not straighten up.

  19. That is so sad. Maybe they are working on owl habitat. PETA probably wouldn't know an owl habitat.

  20. Why is everyone posting as "Anonymous" instead of using your own name? Could it be the same person bitching about the zoo? Mr Albero?

  21. 3:49, Let's start with, why did YOU post your comment anonymously, OE ARE YOU ME? Hmmmm!

  22. Zoos are a waste of money and not the best for wild animals which belong in the wild. Ever wonder what happens to surplus animals? They don't get to retire down on the farm.

  23. When the water came down from the last flood I went down there and saw the wallabys huddled in a small patch of dry land in their flooded cage. If you or I did this to a dog we would be arrested for animal cruelty.


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