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Wednesday, October 11, 2017

A Viewer Writes: New Salisbury water bill charges

Anonymous said...

Here's the skinny:

The Bay Restoration Fee is a fee established by the State of Maryland. The County is required to collect this fee for the State. Effective 7/1/2012, the Bay Restoration Fee will increase to $15.00 per quarter charge ($60 per year) on the sewer or water bills of property owners served by public utilities.

Each residential dwelling that receives an individual sewer bill and each onsite sewage disposal system or holding tank that receives a water bill is subject to a $5.00 monthly fee.

Each user of an onsite sewage disposal system that does not receive a water bill and each user of sewage holding tank that does not receive a water bill is subject to a $60 annual fee.

NOTE: The fee for some users in Garrett County and Ocean City where the wastewater does not drain into the Chesapeake Bay or the Coastal Bay watersheds(surface or ground water) will remain at the existing fee rate of $2.50 for each residential dwelling and $30 per year per septic or holding tank.
The city only collects it and hands it to the county, which hands it to the state. The city's billing saves the county the postage and printing that would be required if it billed directly. If it were't done this way, the county would bill directly and be on the hook for thousands annually, with no reimbursement for billing by the state.


  1. I glad I has a skeptic tank so I no to pay dis.

  2. How many skeptics fit in that tank?

    1. Oh god, don’t ask him to do math. Notnif the English is anything to go by!

    2. Like you would know

  3. 3:23 you do pat this fee on your property tax bill. Look closer at your bill. Next in the city you have a stormwater fee and in the county in some areas you have a tax ditch fee. Thanks to Glendenning for the $30.00 fee for the may and Otaxi-Omalley who doubled the fee to $60.00 per year. Dems think up these fees and slide some of the money to the general fund and then to their pet projects. They do the same with gas tax money. B

  4. So, tell us, how does money turn the Bay waters clean? It's not used to dredge the Conowingo Dam settling pond. There's no big water filter machine anywhere.

    It all goes to pay people to print up more brochures and number stickers to get more donations in the name of "Save the Bay".

  5. Raising your water bill pays for the LAZY CLASS (EBT cards).....more freebies for the LAZY CLASS!!

  6. as opposed to the no/low class ◘

  7. The "lazy class" pays just the same, but to the landlord in their rent, who passes it on.

  8. This few has been a line item on county taxes for quite sometime. Water rates did go up.

  9. The money covers parties in Annapolis.

  10. What happens when you can no longer cover these taxes and fees and they come to take your house??? BEcasue this is really what it is all about, making you poor, a slave to taxes and eventually taking your home or putting you in jail for not paying...

    But you people keep on running your mouth, complaining, never solving the problem or helping to affect change... I sure as hell can't wait until most of you who said those kinds of crap, get the short end of the stick too, like the rest of us have, and see where your tune is then, when you are on the verge of losing all you have over a damn tax or fee...

  11. 9:10 nailed it! think you own something? to damn funny. pay and keep on paying for all your life! if you don't pay you won't have anything! Why do you think most people are on ebt? they already figured it out and refuse to play that game. so they play a different game. Instead of paying forever how about taking forever?
    Who's the fool now?


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