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Monday, October 23, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Hillary broke toe while book touring in London

Didn't hear much except that Hillary was running (?) - have you ever seen her walk fast) with a cup of coffee (Chardonnay is more like it) and while talking over her shoulder she caught her heel on the stairs and she fell and broke her toe. Really. I confess I have fallen after a few bubblies going up the stairs (dress was to long) so any comments on what really happened.


  1. broken while inserting in her husband's arse for his prior missteps continually being brought up in her face.

  2. Her TOURING will be over soon , she on way to PRISON after
    that OH , Russian Connection $$$$ for Uranium Deal !!!!!

  3. Why is this subject even being discussed reference anything. Please let her go away and find her when indicted. Then please hold all photos. I have children that go online.

    1. Why do you have children online when you know what is bring discussed. Maybe someone just wanted to know what happened. Broken toe or ankle.


  4. Fell down and only broke toe? Seismographs should have registered the impact.

  5. Guess she Blames Trump for it !!!!

  6. Too bad it wasn't her neck.

  7. 8:48 PM - Her next slip may be in a bathroom with lots of hard surfaces. Keep the faith.

  8. Putin was sucking on her toe for some more Uranium !!!!


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