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Sunday, October 29, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Daily Times Moving

Did you know that the Daily Times is moving into the old firehouse across from the library? They are moving in this week or next. Straight from a veteran employees mouth. That's a huge downgrade in building size. The employees are not to happy.


  1. Why are they even trying to continue on?? The days of the news"paper" are long gone

  2. The other building is for sale for 2.7 million.

  3. Good ! Perhaps I can finally get my subscription cancelled ! ..talk about a royal nightmare ! Lol

  4. The building should have remained as a fire house, the Daily Times is tanking if they can't see it then their the only ones.

  5. They are making a flaming comeback!

  6. The price of the paper went up almost $14.00 month of this November of 17

  7. Such a crock of crap and more proof that city officials are not on the up and up. The building was sold for pennies with the condition that it benefited the community. It was promoted as a 'music venue.' When that failed as most on this blog said it would the owners are renting it out to the DT's. This was all in the news. The condition to benefit the community is a meeting room or something to that effect that artists or whatever to display things.
    Anyway the loser mayor needs to grow up and grow a pair and the council members need to get on this. There are already rooms like this in the library and other places. This will benefit no one but the owners of the building who are collecting rent now. No wonder Sby is the Crotch of the Eastern Shore. Nothing but losers as politicians who is any had any decency they would be ashamed of themselves.

  8. who cares if the employees are happy. they grew it now they have no other choice but to suck it up. they are nothing but democrat propagandists and should be on their knees thanking God daily that there are people dumb enough to read what amounts to total crap.

  9. Whyn't they stay where they were? IDIOTS!

  10. This "crock" is infested with STD's.

  11. It's time for the city and county to pull their mandatory legal advertising and put it elsewhere, and for a much lower price. That'll sink the DT. If the city and county don't move on it, one could construe that they are preferentially subsidizing a private business.

  12. Cha Ching!!! Somebody pocketed a chunk of change. Well done!!!

  13. A few desks, chairs, laptops and phone lines and voilĂ , it's a newspaper office.

  14. What was the financial agreement of this sweetheart deal?

  15. Has the city abandoned the "Artist Residences" on the River? What happened to that Section 8'ers?

  16. Oh, yeah...the place on Main Street (East) that keeps changing names...Epilepsy Association or UA something? (Maybe Jose Balea could help us out). That slum on the river was supposed to be the answer to all the 'disabled artists' that it was going to support. When is their next show?

  17. Mr Positive here, if there building is up for sale then that space which is very large, can be used for a new manufacturing company to use. Day should be jumping on this to get someone to fill it.

  18. They got rid of quite a few of their local employees and now the calls go to a place in New Jersey. This is why they can get a smaller building, they put the screws to their hard working employees. Its hard to get a hold of anyone, get answers or get a call back when messages are left. So sad that the 'bury is turning in to Little Detroit.

  19. What's the Daily Times?

  20. 11:22 AM, you mat be on to something here. According to the SDAT (Tax Assessor's) website, the building is still owned by the City of Salisbury!!! It NEVER changed hands, and so no "restrictions" ever went into effect!!
    So, NOW, to your point, the DT will be paying rent while its landlord, the City of Salisbury will hold the requirement that we must pay their tenant their cutthroat rates for Public Notices!!!

    Looks here... http://sdat.dat.maryland.gov/RealProperty/Pages/default.aspx

    Isn't THAT a cozy little situation?

    This has to be the most illegal deal ever! I smell lots of rats!


  21. Jakey can take his Folksy crew up there and make it their clubhouse (aka City Hall). They can ride their bikes back and forth in order to look busy while they 'bury the town.

  22. This is a prelude to their closing.

  23. ummm this was announced months ago

  24. So let me get this straigt?? I thought the Daily Times was only taking the top floor of the building? So now the Homo Boys who now own this building lied to the tax payers again??

  25. I have a question.

    Joe, have you seen that ugly large steel strand building they built right behind the old fire headquarters?

    It looks very out of place and one question I have is how in the Hell did it pass the Historic Commission?

    It's my understanding that the Salisbury Fire Department wasn't allowed to build a building like that, but now the Daily Times and the Homo Boys are allowed to build whatever they want to without having to obey any laws or restrictions?

    Must be nice to be buddies and supporters of their campaigns.

  26. "The employees are not to (Sic) happy."

    I don't think USA Today cares whether employees are happy, or not. They sure don't care if their customers are happy. They seemed to be very accommodating with my cancellation request. And not one follow up call or email to question why I dropped my subscription after over 40 years of continuous home delivery. I'm not a Daily Times basher like most on this site, but they are no "local paper" anymore. I found that I don't miss them.

  27. Why does the Daily Crimes even need a building ? The " journalists" employed there could work from home. It's not like it has to go to press here. Just email it to the third party printer or better yet don't print it at all.


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