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Thursday, September 21, 2017



  1. Make your own. Much healthier.

  2. The chicken at Chipotle is nasty "green-meat" (thigh meat). I don't even want one scoop. And the rice and beans are (seemingly temperature danger zone) luke warm. And you pay $8.xx for this soggy diaper!

    Much better off going to La Tolteca or Plaza Tapatia where you can get a burrito, rice and all the chips and salsa you can eat for $7.95 and it's made with breast meat chicken, stewed with FLAVOR.

  3. Do you really need that second scoop?

  4. How paranoid and cynical. That employee doesn't CARE how much chicken is on your burrito. Too much, or too little, doesn't mean a rat's butt to her. One scoop is one scoop, and two scoops is two scoops to her. A scoop is a scoop, is a scoop, all day long, until their shift is over.

    It must be difficult to go through life with that attitude about people doing their job. Not many friends with an attitude like that. Its not smart, like you think, to not make your intentions known when you place your order. Its just rude, and slows down the whole process for the other customers.

  5. Paranoia over a second scoop of something?
    And you've thought it out so thoroughly. And developed a plan of action so that your prize second scoop is not "compromised".
    You sure have outsmarted them.

  6. It's not ME!

    Like she would "play games" with anyone's scoops. I don't think she has the time, or the inclination to play games with anyone's perception of "scoop size." She just wants to earn her minimum wage and go home.
    You, the poster, are just petty and don't know the difference between what is important, and what is not.


  7. Oh, meme creator, you are the Zen master of strategizing acquisition of copious quantities of undesirable food.


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