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Monday, September 18, 2017


ABC Reporter Calls Conservative Group Helping In Houston ‘White Supremacists’ – Regrets It Immediately

Directly after overhearing the reporter attempting to defame the heroes, three of the Cambodian citizens confronted her, saying that she was being disrespectful and that the small Trump supporting crew helped them “more than anyone else was willing to.” They continued to say that even FEMA and the Red Cross hadn’t helped at all and that the Trump supporters were the only ones to help rebuild buildings, clean up debris and help the elderly in the small Cambodian community.

The ABC 13 camera man and Shay were triggered, trying to find anything they could in their near surroundings to put in their fake story about white supremacists in Houston during the hurricane. they were clearly flustered when the Cambodian community that they said they were so ‘concerned for’ suddenly turned on her.

Here is the video below of the confrontation…



  1. Typical liberal fake news trying to bad mouth the only people that were helping in that community. And yes they were conservatives. Which today is a bad word to the politically correct snowflakes?

  2. When George Stephanopolis left the Clinton White House and went to work for ABC it was a dead give away they had no intention of telling the American people the truth. It's obvious subversive powers are in control of the media.

  3. Watched the video, at least as much as I could stand (up to the point that the Caucasian woman went on her mealy-mouthy rant against the reporter. Every other word was vulgar. I never did, after many minutes of watching, see any of the Cambodians "turn" on the reporter and her cameraman. I saw the very agitated white male and the white woman turn on the reporter for trying to interview THEM, not the Cambodians. When the Cambodians spoke, they did not complain. They just answered the reporter's questions and were calm and collected when responding to the reporter. It was the two white people that tried to expel the reporter and the cameraman and keep them from interviewing the Cambodians members of the community. The reporter kept her cool the whole time. The two white people were clearly agitated.


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