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Monday, September 18, 2017

Would You Take A DNA Test At An NFL Game? The Baltimore Ravens Want You To

Fans attending the Baltimore Ravens’ home opener on Sunday will be leaving more than empty cups, nacho tins, and possibly their team spirit when they exit M&T Bank Stadium: Guests can leave their DNA to be tested if they take part in the team’s latest promotion. 



  1. I just switched teams.

  2. Samples will probably be sent to a government lab, where DNA profiles will be added to databases for law enforcement identification, and, locally, paternity identification.

  3. This kinda sounds like the outstanding warrant trickery that NYC did some years back, sending an invitation to a football game, with free transportation. Just show up at one of the several buses a couple of hours before game time. Then the buses' doors locked and the bus went straight to Riker's Island.

  4. I wouldn't go to an NFL game if you paid me, so I guess the question is moot.

  5. If you have ever been to one you'd know why they are doing it went to one NEVER again. They are doing it to either see if they are human or criminal.

  6. @7:42 I'm with you on that!! Its an absolute three ring circus, no more pride for the actual game and those that sacrificed so much both veterans and prior NFL players, just bunch immature clowns who think they all have a statement to make. As far as the DNA thing if people are that stupid to donate their DNA to just anyone and not knowing who or where its going they deserve whatever they get

  7. Are the so called players going to be tested first?
    I don't follow the Nation Felony League anymore than Hollyweird Awards.

  8. SKYNET takeover in 3....2....1!

  9. Oh H3LL no !!

    (PS. Facebook = SkyNet)

  10. I have nothing to hide so I probably would. Great idea for those men who father children and let welfare support them - good way to track down dead beat fathers

  11. Aaaahhhh, the old "I'm not doing anything wrong, so go ahead and blah blab blah...."
    It a voluntary thing. For now.
    But, never make the mistake of believing that because YOU aren't doing anything wrong, the ones who actually decide that will also believe the same thing.
    You can keep cheering.

    On a side note, 8:01 had a pretty funny contrast in his comment.
    Human or criminal. Hilarious.
    Imagine handing the tech the sample and saying "Quick! I need to know if this is human....or criminal!"


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