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Monday, September 25, 2017

Who Agrees?


  1. Already sent them a note on their contact page. I'm done with the NFL. Bunch of entitled jerks.

  2. Haven’t watched a game in two years now with this season. Won’t watch a professional sports game for the rest of my life and my family feels the same way.

  3. I disagree. Many Americans died for our freedoom. Americans served their country so we can be free. At least you football players can do is show some respect for America for which it stands. If you don't go back where you came from and see how much freedom and millions you have. Bottom line. Grow up.

  4. I watch sports because it is a respite from politics, war, news and sales.

    I'll watch any sport that is only about team and competition. Local ball, racing, etc. are still out there.

    NFL is off the map for me.

  5. Pat Tillman set the example of what a pro player should be; granted the bar was set high. I have not watched pro ball in several years preferring to watch NCAA games instead. In fact, I would pit the Alabama Tide against any team in the NFL.

  6. I would boycott them if I could, but I have never been a fan in my life. I will boycott the sponsors show above. I don't use but half a dozen of them but have noted the ones I use.

  7. Yes. They are just an extension of the MSM narrative. If you agree with that liberal narrative, support the NFL. If not, don't. Don't buy another ticket, another hat or another sponsor product.

  8. Stand up and do something about it instead of taking the cheap way out.

  9. I have an idea. Every TV station needs to quit televising any and all football games, then the teams might get the message we are not going to look at them disrespecting our nation any more.

  10. I'm done. Doesn't feel right to me to watch millionaires kneeling in lies. I can barely pay my insurance and if it goes up again I can't pay. My truck is 20 years old my back hurts my knees hurt after work. I just want to watch a good game and forget life but now racist self serving millionaires ruined it for me. I spent Sunday watching a few Redbox movies after canceling cable. It was good. My Jerseys and mugs were thrown out and I felt stupid for buying it. Thanks.

  11. Stopped watching NFL several years ago! Never watched Basketball. Although I am sick of the high priced sports stars, who don't deserve this type of money, I still watch baseball (Orioles). These players have lost touch with reality and get rich off of the fans who pay the ridiculous prices for tickets, concessions, soveniers, etc,; how do you think they are able to pay these salaries. The pay them off the backs of the average Joe who gets shafted paying high prices. Sports stars are not role models but arrogant, narcissistic, ego maniacs, looking out for number one. Keep supporting them, and paying for their lifestyle, as for me and my friends not wasting my time.


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