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Sunday, September 24, 2017

What I think of the Ravens kneeling.


  1. Im APPALLED!!!! Why would you go to another country and DISRESPECT the very one who has provided you with a multi-million dollar salary to PLAY football!

  2. Couldn't have said it better myself
    May they not win another game
    May the NFL continue to lose money

  3. Moreeeeeeeeee to come.

  4. Lost all respect for Ravens today.

  5. they will not get any of my money and im checking into the sponsors and i will not be buying or doing business with any of their sponsors. The NFL needs to get a grip on this foolishness. Until they do i will not be supporting any of them! Care about black lives? How about going into those black neighborhoods and helping those elderly out. How about speak out on all the black babies that are aborted every year thru planned parenthood. How about supporting some drug clinics with all those millions that you make every year. How about speaking out and taking a knee for all the violence in the black communities. young black men dying everyday from the street violence. How about reaching out to give a helping hand instead of all the blatant disrespect. You live in a country that gave you the opportunity to become rich and successful and all you do is use that to cause more tensions. How about channel that energy into doing some good with it. You choose not to so therefore i choose not to support you. with help of many other Americans, i hope to see those stands emptying out throughout this football season.

  6. I personally ..just won't game another Raven game ..and I hereby state: Any other team ..if I see same ..I will never watch that team again also !

  7. Now that was awesome

  8. I never watch anyway. If I want to see a bunch of thugs running around I turn on an episode of "Cops."

    1. Me too. If I want to see some thugs running, I just go to a walmart.

  9. I will not watch NFL anymore im done!

  10. This could be a great fundraising idea: a bar could have a jersey/hat burning party. You bring stuff, give a donation to Wounded Warrior Project, and get to burn your NFL crap in a big bonfire.
    I took all my Ravens stuff down today. Going to take it to Salvation Army.

    1. Don't take it to the Salvation Army. I know someone who will gladly take it off your hands.

    2. Thats an awesome idea. Make sure its goes viral!!

  11. A true American will NEVER fill that seat.

  12. Ravens are dead just like a raven

  13. Ravens take a knee but stand for the British anthem ?

  14. They have ruined my football season. I am going to sit out the rest of it. Maybe by next year the NFL will grow some balls and get their ship together, and get politics out of football. It is a game. We pay players to play, not be ash holes. If hey want to make a point, they can do it on their own time. I'm not going to pay to watch them do it.

  15. The NFL is obviously a part of the intelligence operation against the American People.
    We are being systematically attacked by globalist agenda.
    It comes at us from Hollywood, the Music Industry, and now the NFL.

    It is a deliberate and orchestrated action against us.
    An effort to control our minds, to erase our Nation, as they have done with Family, and Privacy.
    We should all reject this propaganda and call it what it is.
    These rich football players are being controlled - told what to do - and our reaction to this behavior is being monitored.
    Make no mistake, this is an attack upon our Humanity.
    We must resist it and join together in our rejection of their propaganda.

  16. Glad to see it. Tebow was frowned upon when he took a knee. Schools cannot have any type of prayer on the field before or after any sport. But this can occur. I agree it is their right to protest. On their own time. When they are on the field, in their uniform, they are at work. I don't go to work and climb on my soapbox and protest whatever has offended me today. Why should I have to watch these guys do it. I also agree with the other posters. Why aren't they doing anything to help. Go to the inner city where gun violence kills kids 15-25 every day. Go help poor blacks affected by the hurricanes. Go into the inner cities and help lead a child to church. Set up after school programs. Speak to the kids at high schools. There are so many ways to help and taking a knee on the football field when they are supposed to be working is not doing so.

  17. Why just the Ravens? All teams had players kneeling, Steelers whole team didn't even come out for the Anthem.

  18. 1980: Roberto Duran quits fighting ("No mas") and goes home with about 12 million dollars.
    1980: The year I stopped watching prizefighting.
    1994: Baseball players go on strike. No World Series.
    1994: The year that I bought my absolute last ticket to a Major League baseball game.
    2017: Baltimore football players embarrass our country while overseas.
    2017: Pro football will never ever see a dime of my money again - and that includes companies that are sponsors.

  19. 8:14 did nail it. I recommend everyone send an email, or communicate in some way, to the Ravens management denouncing this type of behavior. Not just because of the disrespect shown to our great country but for the immense distraction from from doing their jobs. The players are nothing more than paid entertainers. They should simply do their jobs and let self interest remain apart.

  20. Has anyone sent this to the Ravens so they can see the loss of their fans while people burn their Ravens shirts? It's a good guess this guy won't be buying any more Ravens junk. Good for him.

  21. Instead of wasting money on Ravens shirts and hats, he should be using that money to fix the crack in his concrete sidewalk!!!

  22. taking a knee with a murderer. How charming. Is that where Charm City came from? National Felony League. Go ahead and beat up your significant other today, take your steroids, strut around with you self indulgence but for heaven's sake, kneel for a dumb ass notion that an ugly headed douche bag is being treated unfairly. (p.s. - he wasn't very good anyway)

  23. No need to take them to Salvation Army or any other source. Get them out of sight and circulation. This guy did the right thing, while 6:51 is more concerned with a crack in concrete. Show us a slab that hasn't or won't in the future crack.

  24. I just find it disingenuous that team owners allow this by hiding behind the statement that “players have a right to express themselves.” Yes, they have that right. In their PRIVATE lives. NOT in the workplace. It’s funny that team owners and leaders micromanage every detail of a players behavior to the point that some do not allow players to have facial hair and mandate they must wear a suit and tie while traveling because they “represent the team” in public. Yet, they do not put any restrictions on public expression regarding the National Anthem. Nothing but a bunch of hypocrites.


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