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Thursday, September 21, 2017

We're America, We Never Learn From Our Mistakes Because Now We Never Made Any


  1. Is this not what Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini did when they took power... re-wrote history to fit their ideals and narratives? To remove these "reminders" is to hide history so it CAN be repeated and not avoided!

  2. Monuments do NOT equal history. Monuments (rightly or wrongly) celebrate certain people or events.

    To learn history, try going to school or reading a book or two. You don't need a granite or marble edifice to learn about our past.

  3. The question is, why re they wearing military helmets and boots...

  4. Sometimes statues aren't meant to celebrate history, but to remind us of what should not be forgotten, good and bad.

  5. 8:22 but they really do. It's out of sight out of mind apparently.

    8:47 sure, I can agree with that on some level. The problem is when white supremacists use it as a rally point. These aren't statues reminding us of the horrors of slavery they are idolizing generals that fought for it.

  6. NOBODY alive today was a SLAVE , you cannot show me ONE !!

    Get over it ........!!!!!!!

  7. We alive today made No Slavery mistakes , so Stop blaming
    us for slavery.....WE were Not Born yet .....!!!

  8. What if the Whites constantly wined over all England did to
    them ....or even farther back ....to Cesar !!
    Give Whites a Race Card and Affirmative Action and see !!!

  9. There civil race war is coming.tick tock.

  10. If anyone is a SLAVE today , it shure is NOT anyone Black !!

  11. 10:03
    You obviously don't know your history if you think the Civil war was just about slavery. It was mostly because the north was not getting all the tax dollars from the labor and the product being produced. Most slaves as you call them were treated better on the plantation than they were after the so called freedom they were granted. And if the war was to set these folks free then why did it take over a hundred years before they had any rights even in any of the united states. The folks you want to crucify were only fighting for their own freedom to live as they saw fit. There was more persecution of blacks after their so called freedom than when they were working and being cared for.


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