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Thursday, September 21, 2017

We Said Crime Is Down, Now Shut The Hell Up!

I went into my history and pulled up an old link for calls for service. See the top in yellow. It now says page not found.

Mayor Day and Salisbury Police Chief Duncan have launched a new Website for the Police Department. They have completely removed the Calls for Service

They are trying to cover up the massive crime in Salisbury. They are doing everything in their power to keep any form of media, (or you) from exposing what's going on, on a daily basis. To top it off, it seems very clear they do not want you taxpayers to know what's happening on a daily basis, crime wise.

In one neighborhood there was some 26 car break ins. Come to find out when the SPD posted the break ins, guess what, because it was in ONE neighborhood they only showed it as ONE break in. That's so we peasants wouldn't know it was a major problem. This is how they pad the numbers. I've been told by other Officers they regularly, (Chief Duncan) change felony crimes down to misdemeanors. Can you say Safe Streets Program! Crime is down my rear end!

A word to the wise Jake and Barbara, it is not called the Wicomico County Humane Society. PRIDE is also mentioned a lot on their new website. Hope they remember the old saying.. "Pride goeth before a fall"


  1. Maybe Jake is taking about GAY PRIDE ?

  2. Trying to hide the massive amount of violent crime in Sby from potential out of town festival goers is maybe what is going on. He doesn't want them to know that if after the festival ends in the evening and they go out for drinks and then maybe a bite to eat it very well could result in them getting beaten to a pulp by gangs of thugs who roam the streets of Sby.

  3. Were the 7 thugs at Cook Out this past weekend the city council looking for extra money?

  4. That new site looks like a canned joke!

  5. Day is all over the place with his spewing off at the mouth and his so called beliefs this week. He's definitely of the entitled liberal garbage trying yo move to the forefront bit he also tries to entertain s conservative Christian identity as well. As a believer and witness to what god will do to a so called Christian, a so called leader, pride and the love of ones self and thinking it is all them will bring you down quicker than anything


  6. Jake "Transparency" Day. Well, not really.

    Mark Twain is credited with "There are lies, damned lies and statistics." One of Tom Sawyer's famous gambits was getting others to whitewash in his stead. Jake and crew seem embarked on their own whitewash.

    We'll be Folked in just under a year and at that point the Folkers will have seen the real 'bury as opposed to Jake's Potemkin village.

    On a serious note, falsifying crime stats is probably actionable; some actual expert can probably share if that's true.

    If someone had committed arson at each address, would it be tallied as one arson. Or one murder if they killed 26? If they find the vandal will they be charged once? Or 26 times? Guess it's time for the ethics seminar for the head cops again.

  7. 4:00 pm these people have no ethics and no shame!

    1. No honor, no character, no integrity

  8. Fake Day, lier he couldn't tell the truth if his life depended on it, he is a fake soldier, fake mayor. Just a spoiled brat. That boy is the ruination of Salisbury, his lies are catching up with him. No crime in Salisbury, what a fool. Keep putting it out there Joe.


  10. We all know the reason for the high frequency of crimes in smallsbury and who commits the majority of those crimes. But we are labeled racists if we identify them. And if anyone were to correct the problem they would be charged with a hate crime. AND I guarantee those people doing the correcting would absolutely get prison time while these thugs would get a slap on the wrist at most. ( and with a suspended sentence no doubt)

  11. Taking out the police calls is despicable. You are just trying to hide the truth so Chief Hug a Thug's figures aren't questioned but as I have always advised everyone write on your calendars each date their is a murder or rape in this city---and the figures don't match those she gives. Pen and paper work real well Barbara and Fake Jake my calendar is marked with all the lies daily.

  12. Anonymous said...
    Were the 7 thugs at Cook Out this past weekend the city council looking for extra money?

    September 21, 2017 at 2:59 PM

    I don't know where you were, but there was 150 outside and 150 inside.

  13. Anonymous said...
    We all know the reason for the high frequency of crimes in smallsbury and who commits the majority of those crimes. But we are labeled racists if we identify them. And if anyone were to correct the problem they would be charged with a hate crime. AND I guarantee those people doing the correcting would absolutely get prison time while these thugs would get a slap on the wrist at most. ( and with a suspended sentence no doubt)

    September 22, 2017 at 3:38 AM


  14. Jake Day is spending our tax dollars to subsidize and entertain a bunch of outsiders for FREE.

    What is he doing for us, the taxpayers?

    Let that sink in.


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