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Friday, September 01, 2017

We Better Mind Our Property Ditches Before The Upcoming Storm

Yesterday we put up a press release from Wicomico County about checking your property storm water ditches. The storm we experienced last week delivered far more precipitation then WBOC said we'd get and frankly everyone was caught off guard.

In order to be proactive the County Executive put out a press release yesterday asking for people to participate by checking your properties and contact them if you felt there was an issue. In one case the county found a cooler stuck in a pipe and in another case they found a ball stopped up in a pipe. While these things happen, there's a lot of property ditches and pipes throughout the county where things can float in a storm and ultimately end up in these pipes and even blocking these pipes.

The county isn't asking you to do their job, they simply want people to keep an eye out and contact them if you feel something needs attention. Remember Folks, a lot of jerks litter and throw things into these ditches. Instead of bellyaching, pointing fingers and complaining, do your civic duty and just keep your properties clear of debris because this upcoming storm could drop some 7" of rain over the next 36 hours.


  1. What number do you call?

  2. I've been keeping our HOA ditch clean for 25 years. It's hard to get people to help. I guess my dad taught me to do the right thing, huh?

  3. I do my part
    When will they do theirs.
    If i try to dig out a ditch and hit a line i am liable
    It is the counties job to maintain them
    I never insinuated they were trash collectors.
    I am getting nothing else for my taxes.

  4. Why not install a grate in front of pipe openings, with like a 4"x4" grid spacing? Won't impede water flow and if logs/branches or whatever get stuck in front it should still allow water to pass through, albeit at a slower rate. Better than a friggin cooler getting stuck in one.

  5. I did that before the last election. Even Rick P. came out. The only thing they did was clean one side of the road and left the other side that was plugging everything. In the process they dug the ditch lower than the culvert pipe and the ditch bank eroded and started ruining the end of my blacktop then said it was my fault. They can stay away from my ditches before they ruin the entire end of by black top. I will deal with the backup / flooding.

  6. Ah yes where was I? Oh yes, the story of orbitrox. You see, he was responsible for the 1994 internet revolution. Clinton's implant. You know, the one controlled by them. He rebelled. Now, Obama. His upgraded implant, version 658.x56t was coupled with a DSL. It is so clear, the wires. It misfired, hence the insanity of liberalism. Trump was made in America, yes!

    1. Jim Jones! You made it out of Jonestown after all! Your comments were actually readable this time, but still bats#!t crazy. Try again, "Sweet One."

  7. What about the area or roads in the county with NO storm ditches??

  8. 10;17 I thought all areas in county (especially in farm areas) have storm ditches that are managed but since I've moved into the country I have discovered that they don't exsist.

  9. hell i would be happy if the county came out and clean out the overflowing storm water grate in front of my house. it's so full of dirt I got trees growing between the grate openings! think maybe the county can do their job? only been like this forever!


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