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Sunday, September 17, 2017

U.S. Federal Court Rules That Females Are Free To Display Breasts In Public, Was the Judge Right?

This right here is why I hate liberal judges and feminists. This is nuts. A federal judge in Colorado has struck down a ban on women exposing their boobs in public because it’s probably unconstitutional. WTH? Gee, I didn’t realize you had a right via the Constitution to public indecency. It must be in the good and plenty clause somewhere. I hate to break it to this judge, but nudity is not free speech. This judge obviously graduated at the bottom of his class and is all fuzzy on constitutional law.

“I find that the ordinance discriminates against women based on the generalized notion that, regardless of a woman’s intent, the exposure of her breasts in public (or even in her private home if view-able by the public) is necessarily a sexualized act,” Jackson wrote. “Thus, it perpetuates a stereotype ingrained in our society that female breasts are primarily objects of sexual desire whereas male breasts are not.”

The judge also ruled against the city’s claims that the law maintained public order and protected children. This is the same kind of judge that allows men to go into women’s restrooms. Now, women can freely expose themselves, which I’m sure will not cause an uproar at all. In Nov. of 2015, Fort Collins enacted an ordinance that prohibited females 10 or older from exposing their breasts in public or on private property if that place can be viewed by someone on public property. That ordinance excluded women who were breastfeeding. If you violated the order, you could be fined up to $2,650 or be imprisoned for up to 180 days.



  1. This country has come unglued and will be its own demise

  2. Breasts are breasts. Personally, I like them. I an not offended when I see them. Go to France and see what a country is like that doesn't focus on puritanical values. Only in America will you find people that are offended by seeing a woman's breasts, and that laws have to be enacted to allow women to expose their breasts in public when breastfeeding a baby. It's a Christian thing. Ironic given that all the great works of Christian art all depict topless women. Heck, Muslims believe just seeing a woman's face is sinful.

  3. I see nothing wrong. Women deserve the same treatment as men.

  4. Mmmmm , I've always been a lover of breasts , I just don't care for the legs or the thighs , then again those whole chickens from SAM's I can eat anything.

  5. But they don't want to be seen as sex objects...LOL unfortunately it will be the freaks nobody wants to see.

  6. The world as we know it will not fall apart. Expect to see more bared breasts on TV as the censors catch up to the new reality.

  7. TV censors will now have to change some rules.

  8. Hows bout decisions like this happened BEFORE the season rather than after. Why? Well they have another 8 months to strike it down and deflate my hopes - whereas the decision happens before the season to all the circus to come to town!!!!!!

    I mean come on, you think those who choose to show their breasts will be bombshell? Silly for you to think that! Like I said, it would be a circus like atmosphere with everyone (the world) watching!!!!

    Hey Rick Meehan, think you'd like that type of PUB? HAHAHAHAAHA

  9. Together we stand divided we fall,seems a lot of people want us gone.

  10. COOL, I might like going to Ocean City now!

  11. and after the initial shock value wears off, it will be no big deal

  12. public indecency is in the eyes of the beholder,
    public indecency is an opinion - if I don't like it and you do - which one has the wrong opinion - IMO, neither one of us

  13. Feminism has nothing to do with flashing your breast in public. I would fight for a mothers right to breast feed in public with all modesty...but breast flashing to the sake of flashing is not a feminist issue at all.

  14. If you want to see bare breasts go to Assateague & ride through the dunes. You can see all the nudity you want, and NOBODY there cares.

  15. But I'm offended. (sarc)

  16. guys from smallsbury will have drool on their shoes and stepping on their tongues. not the most mature bunch

  17. September 12, 2017 at 3:08 PM:

    What? Is that you Hillary? Are you calling us deplorables?

  18. It's just one more sexual harassment trap.

  19. Men Welcome the decision....show us what U got !!!!!

  20. Women should be able to bare their boobs in public up to the age of 30 and not some much after that.

  21. Order Ocean City Md to COMPLY !!!! Please !!!!!

  22. It is unfair to women. I was at the beach yesterday and most of the men had the biggest breasts out there. Not too much of a difference. They needed a top too!

  23. thrashers will raise their prices due to increased crowds

  24. thrashers will raise their prices due to increased crowds

    September 17, 2017 at 9:54 AM:

    Duh, Thrashers will raise their prices EVERY year, like they have for the last 40 years.

  25. OC would be Copa Cabana and Ipanema style !!!

    Pass a Thong Authorization law too !!! LOL

  26. What kind of country will we be when we lose ALL our morals?

  27. When the muslims raise hell about it, it will be stopped. Our law makers listen to those evil scum but not us.


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