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Monday, September 04, 2017

Update On Girl Struck By Vehicle In Ocean City Maryland

The Slovakian gal, Veronika, that was hit by the car last Wednesday in OC while she was riding her bike (along with her boyfriend, Matt), never regained consciousness and has since passed away. Her mom and pastor came from Slovakia and arranged to have her organs donated and have her body transferred back to Slovakia.


  1. So sad, but it seems we hear about this all the time. We also hear about these foreigners coming over here with no insurance and the tax payers have to foot their bills and this can be very expensive.

    1. You must be a wonderful kind Christian. How compassionate of you.

    2. You hear about this all the time? Since when? 221 you don't hear of this all the time.

  2. Replies
    1. Your anti cop but now want manslaughter charges? This would be done by le YOU CANT do it because your scared to be the POLICE. Fact is fact. Thank you.

    2. Not based on the post! Typical snowflake wants everyone arrested

  3. So sad. Prayers for her soul and family.

  4. May she rest in peace.

  5. wow that's so sad...
    2:21 please inform yourself before making a jerk out of yourself! 1 of the requirements for international students to do the exchange is to have health insurance. Maybe just maybe insurance around the world are all the same?! just saying.

  6. Something tells me the millions City FAIL want to spend on median strip walls, would NOT have prevented this death.

    Question, with all the web CAMS on the boards (helping OCPD find bad apples), couldn't a few be placed on coastal highway????

    Just thinking from a PROactive perspective City FAIL and heck, its now only 8 months until the beginning of May 2018.

  7. Condolences to the family for the loss of their beloved daughter.

  8. This is so sad. Did they ever say where she worked? Without the foreign students OC wouldn't survive. They (the town, the sponsors) need to emphasis bike safety to the students better I think. This year more than ever I see bikes going in all different directions with no stopping. RIP

  9. I have been saying for years, actually since an employee from Russia was slammed on her bike on Coastal Highway and left brain damaged, 25 MPH on main roads, 15 MPH on residential streets in Ocean City. May to Sept.

  10. 12:51....Thank God no one is listening to you.

    25 MPH on the main drag in O.C.? Its a SIX LANE DIVIDED HGWY!!!

    I'll bet my next paycheck that you are one of the drivers on RT 50 doing 55 in the fast lane, all the way from Easton, never bothering to notice that there are 100 cars behind you. Because you have appointed yourself the citizen traffic control specialist.
    PLEASE stay off the roads. 15 MPH is your OTHER suggestion?
    It's an f'ing resort, not a funeral parlor.
    With 2-300,000 people there every week, SOMEONE is going to die. I don't care if you BAN cars, SOMEONE WILL DIE.
    I'll also bet that you are one of the "Zero Deaths" cheerleaders, living a fantasy of more and more law enforcement (and more laws, with more police) will solve everything.

  11. Anyone wondering why the suspect hasn't been named as yet?
    I'm thinking that it could possibly be a well known local....

  12. "...one of the drivers on RT 50 doing 55..."

    Isn't that the speed limit? Any faster and you're breaking the law. No, I'm not a cop, just a person of color who is following the standard advice on this site: "Obey the cops and you have nothing to worry about".

  13. Imclain you keyboard warrior you! Obviously you don't get out much. Coastal highway is hardly a "highway"! That comment makes you so ridiculously out of touch and, well, your stupid is showing. Virtually every other resort on the east coast does the 25mph. Virginia Beach, most of Hatteras, Myrtle, Wrightsville, Emerald, Jacksonville, the Jersey beach towns. As much foot and bike traffic as there is in Ocean City in combination with the statistics of pedestrians and bicyclists being hit, injured or killed make 25 to survive just plain common sense.


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