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Friday, September 22, 2017

Two teens 'raped a girl for hours' after kidnapping her

Two teenagers have been charged with kidnapping and raping a classmate in a horrifying attack allegedly orchestrated by the victim's 13-year-old classmate.

El Salvadorian illegal immigrant Victor Antonio Gonzalez-Guttierres, 19, and Edgar Natanal Chicas-Hernandez, 17, were arrested after the victim told police she was grabbed while walking home from school on September 2, taken to an apartment and sexually assaulted.

She told the cops the pair were classmates who were classmates who claimed they were acting on orders from the younger female acquaintance, according to the Frederick-News-Post.

Court documents don't identify the female acquaintance, who repeatedly denied involvement.

Police say she is still at large.



  1. The victim claims she was assaulted on September 2nd while walking home from school AFTER MIDNIGHT! WTF???

  2. This is why we have to put a stop to illegal immigration. Don't deport these illegal aliens, put them in jail and make them pay for their crimes. Put them to work in chain gangs and make them do hard labor.

  3. Dreamers contributing to society and paying taxes? Two monsters that will get FREE LAWYERS that AMERICAN tax dollars pick up the tab.

  4. The good president of The United States wants "them" out of our country and My Maryland wants to keep and cuddle "them".

  5. Anybody read anything about this this in a US newspaper? A conspiracy theorist might think they're trying to hide this story of hapless Frederick County "dreamers".

  6. The only thing these two dreamers were dreaming about is what they wanted to do. Lock them up Judge for a long time. I wish we could give them physical punishment along with jail time, but we're too nice and too politically correct.

  7. So both are Dreamers which the Progressives are always describing as pure as fresh rainfall and innocent as angels.

  8. Frederick County, Maryland chose to be a Sanctuary City and it is paying the price of throwing its citizens to the wolves.

  9. I'm sorry, you end this with death to both. Period/end of story. Do something like this - death. No questions, no ifs ands or buts. No crying baby's momma's - death.

    If not, then we'll continue to read stories like this!

    Harsh - but its way past time, given absolutely NOTHING works!


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