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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Trump: NFL Comments Had Nothing to Do with Race

President Donald Trump on Sunday said his comments criticizing NFL players who kneel during the national anthem, had nothing do with race, the Washington Times reported.

“I’ve never said anything about race,” Trump said when asked whether he was “inflaming racial tensions” by a reporter. “This has to do with respect for our country, and respect for our flag.”

The president also said there was “tremendous solidarity for our flag and for our country,” in the little bit of the NFL games he watched.

“I was not watching the games today, believe me — I’m doing other things. But I watched a little bit.”



  1. NFL No Fans Left. Disrespect is just that and we the people will not tolerate it, and we will hit your wallets harder then a linebacker hitting a quarterback.

  2. Trump did not overtly mention race. As a man who has had no problem overtly using race in the past, I believe him when he says he wasnt trying to do so here. But what is always funny during these debates are the conservatives. You guys scream on and on about not trusting gov, keeping gov small, don't tread on me, militarization of police forces, big brother is watching, we need our guns in case the gov comes after us. But as soon as minority groups talk about police brutality or gov oppression, you are all about "USA can do no wrong". LOL

  3. 6:45 has a terrible comprehension problem.

  4. 6:45 that's an interesting point. It's because the government hasn't come to oppress them yet. When they do, we'll just tell them that their protests disrespect the flag, the troops, what ever else we can make up.

  5. I believe in President Trump!

  6. The players brought race into it while they were trying to figure out why they were protesting America.

  7. The Blacks want to make Everything RACE !!!

  8. 6:45.....Don't you wish that was true? What are you? A reporter for CNN????

    I suppose you also wish it was true that police just go around shooting black people because they're black?
    How do you explain the WHITE people that the police shoot?
    Or does that make the whole issue just too complicated for you? It's SO hard to think about so many things at once, huh?
    By the way, your slacks don't match your blouse.
    Keep cheering.

  9. Say what you want about Trump, but he is an American first. Make America Great Again & America First are not just slogans to him. He believes what he says, unlike the political class in Congress and the liberal side of the country.


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