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Monday, September 25, 2017

Trump: BOYCOTT NFL teams if players won't stand for Anthem

President Donald Trump has ratcheted up the national controversy over black National Football League players who refuse to stand while the U.S. National Anthem is played before games.

During a Friday night political rally in Alabama, Trump called on fans to boycott teams that allow players to engage in that particular form of protest.

The league's TV ratings have slid since quarterback Colin Kaepernick, then the leader of the San Francisco 49ers, began the trend in September 2016.

'Wouldn't you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, "Get that son of a b***h off the field right now! He is fired. He's fired!"' Trump boomed.

His crowd applauded and chanted 'USA! USA!'



  1. This is easy! If they won't stand for our flag, we will stand to change the channel.

  2. DONE - I am done watching this racist protest from over paid athletes.

  3. I was already boycotting, didn't matter to me how the President stood for it. I am DONE with the Ravens. If the Cowboys all stand tonight, I'll be switching my allegiance to them. Otherwise I'm done with the whole NFL. I was going to give my Ravens hoodies and jackets to the Salvation Army but I think I'm just going to trash them. Just to be clear, I am all about free speech and the right to protest. But their protest was at the the wrong place and time. Don't disrespect our country. They are free to stand there because people died defending that flag.

  4. I agree with Trump on this. Not in their workplace. It would get me fired.
    BTW, most of them are black.
    (protestors, I mean)

  5. Yep! 100% in agreement with OUR President. Haven't watched a single play yet this year and will never again until they cease the disrespect of the very people and country that made them millionaires. Not gonna watch the NBA either. MLB is next if they start this BS too.

  6. 9:24 another bandwagon cowboys fan. WELCOME TO THE CLUB. Sounds like you were never a fan anyway ;) You're just another person who uses the argument "they're deliberately disrespecting the brave heroes who fought and died for that flag" to brush aside the issue they're kneeling for. They don't kneel because they hate our veterans. They kneel because there is social injustice in "the greatest country in the world" and no one wants to talk about it. Well guess what, here we are talking about it.

    1. So they are boycotting the country because there are a few bad cops. But they don't open their mouths when there is black on black crime. Not a peep. The black culture is killing itself at an alarming rate DAILY but they want to boycott the country? Yup makes perfect sense to me. NOT

    2. Are you serious!?? I think the BIGGEST SOCIAL INJUSTICE going on is Blacks killing Blacks! Not because they are protecting their family. Not because they are in the military and they are fighting a war! For No other reason than, MONEY and GREED! Every Single Day, we turn on the News and we already know what we are going to we and hear!!!! Over and over again, we hear the same news. Black on Black deaths! You don't see ANY OTHER RACE killing their own people at such a rapid rate! That is the BIGGEST SOCIAL INJUSTICE THAT IS GOING ON IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY!

  7. 9:41 what social injustice are you speaking of?

  8. 9:41, sorry, you are totally wrong. I have been a Ravens fans since they were in existence. I considered the cowboys since the owner said he does not approve of them kneeling. We will see what they do tonight. They can protest anything they want. They are doing it at the wrong time and place, that's all.

  9. Even though I think he went to far with the SOB comment, I agree with him whole heartily. The specific rule pertaining to the national anthem is found on pages A62-63 of the NFL League Rulebook. It states:
    “The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.
    “During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition...
    ...It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of the draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.”
    Everybody with common sense know this is just another Main Stream Media and Democrat ploy to play their baby games against our President.

  10. social injustice is a feeble justification. Racism

  11. Folks started to turn away last year, not only because there are other things to do; or the NFL reason/belief they told us was the elections; or how about the one thing that hits home for all of us - the PRICE of everything NFL. 16oz aluminum bottle of Bud Light at Redskins Stadium is $12.00 TWELVE DOLLARS - bottled water is $5.00 FIVE DOLLARS. Tickets over $100.00; parking $50.00.

    Folks are staying HOME for their beer, food and fantastic seats watching their 60 INCH HDTV with the ability to pause and NOT stand in line for the restroom - only to return and fast forward the commercials. After the game, relax with fam because you are ALREADY HOME!!!!

    Lose Lose NFL!

  12. I traveled to London to witness this disgrace. The Ravens and the NFL will get my opinion on this. CBS & FOX will be notified that I will be a fan no longer. It's time for us fans to go on strike and hit them in the pocket. That's where it hurts them the most.

  13. Changed the logo on my M & T bank card this morning online. It was easy and my new card arrives in 4 - 7 business days and then I can chop up my card with the Ravens logo. Also tossed 2 caps and key chain. Done with the Ravens & NFL. Always liked NASCAR better anyway.

  14. 9:41 - Just another dolt! They are clearly disrespecting everything about this country. If they were really concerned about injustice they could do this on their own time, and some probably do and those are probably not kneeling. Let us not forget this was started by a lame quarterback who was just trying to get some "look at me time." Name another country they would be as successful playing football for a living as they are in this country. I double dog dare you!!


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