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Friday, September 08, 2017

Tom Draper of WBOC Passed Away

The owner of WBOC has passed away after being struck by a car while riding a bicycle. Our condolences, thoughts and prayers go out to the Draper Family and WBOC Family. 


  1. My sympathy to the Draper and WBOC family. Tom Draper's legacy will be that he loved Delmarva. We were blessed to have such a great man in our mist. Rest in peace.

  2. This is so sad, what a wonderful kind man! His memory will live on through his sons and WBOC.

  3. thats a shame. sorry to hear

  4. A sad day indeed,but the turnover at the station will virtually go away with his passing.The other day I saw a list of how many announcers have come and gone in the past 35 years.Good ones too,and before they wanted to leave in some cases.The pay was never really that good,and some used WBOC as their internship for a better job.They signed a form stating that they would not discuss with anyone the reason for their departure.He did a great deal for the station,but the public was typically clueless as to why their favorite announcers left WBOC never to be heard from again.He will be missed.

  5. @9:56, no need for all the additional comments. Mr. Draper, rest in peace....

  6. When Steve Hammond was reporting last night from Baltimore, He mainly talked about his life and his accomplishments. That told me enough without him saying anymore, he wasn't expected to live. Prayers go out to his family during this difficult time and to his friends as well. I am certain it is a sad day at WBOC.

  7. Ditto 10:11. 9:56's comments very poor taste and beyond inappropriate when someone has died. Shame on them.

  8. 11:54-This information was sealed as tight as a drum & still is.Probably more now than ever out of respect.I don't consider his threatening ex employees to keep their mouths shut a legacy.

  9. My condolences go out to the Drapers. RIP.

  10. So sad....but happening so often due to bikes in car lanes. RIP!

  11. It is also a very sad day for all of us in Big Sky Mt who were neighbors and friends and hiking buddies of Tom. It won't be the same here without him. He was a strong mountain man and good neighbor.

  12. Joe,

    Maybe you can buy WBOC now and turn it into a real local TV station with local news.

  13. Sad for the loss, maybe management with FIRE DAN SATERFEILD NOW!


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